Al Sharpton -- The Only "Pro Gun Control" Democrat

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Dec 24, 2002
Well, I found this rather interesting. A snippet is posted below, the rest of the story is at the link. If the rest of the Democrats are to the right of Republicans, it scares me to think how far left old Al is.:uhoh:


Many people who are running, in my judgment, are to the right of Republicans. And that won't even come out unless there's a real debate. I'm the only candidate who is unequivocally against the war. I'm the only one who is anti-death penalty. I'm the only one pro-gun control. I'm raising issues that none of them would have to deal with because there would be no debate. That's important, not just in terms of an Al Sharpton candidacy but in terms of, What is the Democratic Party? I think 2004 is about defining what the party is.
Of course Al Sharpton favors gun control. If his constituents learned that they can be responsible for their own safety, they'd soon ask themselves what other factor of their lives they can control and master by themselves. Pretty soon, nobody would need to come running to "civil rights leader" douchebags in $2000 suits in order to be delivered from evil.

Every shepherd wants to keep his flock stupid and dependent. If the sheep start arming themselves, first the sheepdogs and then the shepherds would find themselves without a flock to control and fleece.
No no people we want people like Al Sharpton to run for the demo nomination the same way we want nancy whats her name to be the house minority leader. These sorts of folks can't help themselves from being way off in left wing la-la land and thus insuring another four years of no liberals in charge of anything!

I say, encourage every wacko you know to support the democratic party now!
I heard Rush talking about the Dem. prez. runners and it is rather funny that the only candidate that hasn't said much of anything lately is the front runner in the polls. John Kerry has been out of the limelight due to surgery recovery. Yet he's ahead in the polls. :D

Watching these Democrat runners committ suicide will be entertaining in itself!:D :D

Maybe the winner of the Dem. party primaries will be the one that keeps his yap shut the most.

Man, these Democrats are really desperate for traction.

Watched Sean Hannity rip one tonight.:evil:

OH, OH, I saw snipits from when Brian Kilmeade RIPPED that dang female comedian. Don't care enough about who she is to waste the brain cells to remember her name.

It was great!:evil:
Jeanie G. has a new orifice

That reeaaallly was entertaining!!

Brian: "Your a celebrity"

Jeanie: "What does that have to do with it?"

Brian: (with voice raised--a lot) "THAT'S THE ONLY REASON YOUR HERE!"

About rolled out of my chair laughing!!

Put her in her place. At the bottom of his shoe!:evil: :evil:

Refreshing? Oh, hell yes!
Fox is showing the Kilmeade - Garafolo fight in the Fox fan section. I watched the segment - wow!


Garafolo: I think Fox News is a very conservative network.

Kilmeade: And what does that tell you about America when we're number one?

There's hope for us :)

We ain't seen nuthin yet.

Wait till "Hillary!" officially joins the fray. She's a freakin' attack-dog, she's gonna rip away at people like Kerry like a dang buzzsaw.
This country would come to a complete standstill and bankrupt itself quickly or we could just tax everyone 75% of their income to pay for all the "programs" that would be forced upon us. Then nobody would need to work because big brother Democrat would hand out the money, Tax and Spend, Tax and Spend, Tax and Spend, Life would be so much easier. We could all just become lazy, worthless pitiful, lifeless and submissive subjects for the sheep herder to cull and slaughter as the machine grows larger. Requiring more and more and more and more until it collapses under it's own obese and inefficient policies. THEN WHAT !

Wakie Wakie sleepy head time for your meds...............:rolleyes:
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