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Apr 8, 2005
Moses Lake WA
LawDog posted this:
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Arr, me hearties!
I discover today that there is a ... hmm ... new? website out there that is claiming to be a "social networking site for gun-owners" which is called -- IIRC -- "Smoke and Thunder."

Sounds like a mildly interesting idea, until I learn that this same web-site is creating profiles of famous gun-bloggers and hanging onto said profiles apparently hoping that the afore-mentioned famous gunbloggers will come over and claim the already-created profiles.

Probably for some nominal fee.

To my mind, that's more than a bit sleazy, but it seems to be the price of living in the Age of the Common Man.

Then I learn that the same site is busy trolling the comments of popular gun blogs, insulting particular gun-bloggers and may be helping itself to content that belongs to popular gun-bloggers.


This goes beyond sleazy and right up into full-on dacoit-hood.

To the best of my knowledge I have not ever really been a full-on "gun-blogger" and I tend to believe that my recent cycle of low activity has caused me to fall off of the radar in the Blogosphere, but in case it hasn't allow me be perfectly clear:

1) I will not be joining this site "Smoke and Thunder", so if you see my name there, it isn't me.

2) Nor do I give the site "Smoke and Thunder" any permission what-so-ever to use anything written by me on this site, or by me on any Internet forum or medium, beyond the minimum amount permissible under the "Fair Use Doctrine".

3) Furthermore, I deny the site "Smoke and Thunder" permission to use any of my intellectual property, wholly or in part, for financial gain.


In closing, I should like to offer the observation that if one is about to make a complete and total ass of oneself on the Internet, it might be considered prudent not to choose a nom de cyber that rhymes with "Blunder", "Chunder", "Dunder", or "Plunder".

Take that advice as one will. Or not.


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