Almost lost my gun rights

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Why weren't you keeping your titles in YOUR SAFE? I think every adult should own a decent safe for documents and such. Look for a couple hundred bucks it'll last your lifetime and you can keep all hands off your affairs. Then get your bank statements online. Don't give them a little control--Give them no control. Well, that's a 45 year old. I have about 1000 times the net worth of any women I date and they're just going to have to wait for any of it.
Wow. I must live on a different planet.

Met my wife in 1969,

And all continues to be good.

Disagreements? Absolutely.

But they tend to be fought out and put to bed on the spot.

My real question is this;

Wottinhell does this have to do with the ownership

And appreciation of firearms?

I live on a different planet too I guess. My wife and I fight like everyone else but she's very reasonable compared to some of these chicks...

Good thing, really, as she's ex-military and a much better shot than I am. :)
Boys keep the Girls out of your House till you have had some pre-marriage counseling . It is not fool proof but it can help prevent many problems.

As a Baptist Pastor I would suggest to try to find a good girl at Church again not foolproof but it increases your odds of finding a good one.

Take your friend and his family out to eat. That Recorder saved your bacon.

Laws like this one is why we need to throw the rascals out this Spring and in the Fall. Read , go and VOTE!
I'm glad it all worked out
I'm positive you documenting as much as possible to stop further harassment
Deltaboy -

Miracles do happen.

She was a ballet dancer with the San Francisco Ballet.

I was a redneck hippie college dropout.

She's a Pagan, born and bred.

I'm an Agnostic.

I was "across three counties in the moonlight", those days,

And she wasn't too far behind,

As far as pre-marriage church counseling goes.

Not running you down here,

But there are successful alternatives.

More and more reinforcement every day for my decision to never involve with women.

Yup. I find it quite sad when people on here have to tip-toe around the house with their newly bought firearms, hoping the "significant other" won't find them.
Yup. I find it quite sad when people on here have to tip-toe around the house with their newly bought firearms, hoping the "significant other" won't find them.

No, I just don't find the prospect of walking barefoot and naked while blindfolded into an uncleared minefield to be worth any potential positive outcome. No risk, no reward, but neither do you stand to loose anything you already have.
This is the best reason yet for not having a live-in GF.

Without getting to detailed.....

I hosted my best friend for a month after the police removed him from his OWN house after his crazy girlfriend called the police on him for alleged abuse. Sad thing is if anyone was abused in that relationship it was him.

Took him a while to get it all ironed out and get her out of HIS house.

She did finally drop the charges after about two dozen of his friends (myself included) showed up at the hearing as character witnesses and defense witnesses to her "craziness" over the years.
In the past I have had firearms that I WOULD brag about however I have had girlfriends that I would NOT admit knowing today. The firearms never argued or let me down.:D Nuff said!

BC (before cellphones) I had a guy call me out of my house with a baseball bat in his hands. On the way out the door I grabbed my Carcano and came onto the porch. He left a trail of manure down the drive to the house across the street yelling that I was gon'a shoot him. Neighbors called the PD and they arrived in about 30 seconds. :rolleyes: Had me drop the gun and you know the routine. When it was all said and done the cleaning rod and missing bolt made him look like an idiot as I told them I had been cleaning it when he yelled at me and I thought it had been an emergency and didn't think to drop the gun inside first.:D He had to explain why HE was drunk and threatening me with a baseball bat however.:evil: Trip to jail for him.:neener: Lesson women are not worth the problems most of the time.:cool:
"Domestic Abuse" and "Rape" are two of the most misused and abused laws on the books. Revenge charges are what I call these false statements.

It's like two parents using their own kids as weapons against the other spouse. It just shouldn't be done and if it's possible to prove that the charges were fabricated then the fabricator should be sentenced for the same lgth of time as what the falsely accused would have faced.
This brings up a very valid consideration about keeping your gun rights. Many things can happen to you which have nothing to do with guns but the law reaches out beyond the real issue and takes away your gun rights.

I love my truck.
Hunterdad, you should try watching How I Met Your Mother. Barney's hot vs crazy scale might have helped ;) (ep.207 I believe)

But I'm pretty lucky so far, all of my relationships have ended with no hard feelings either way. Though I still have many years to go to try and find some crazy chick to pull something :/
Women(not all) tend to keep pressing the button even though you keep your cool. The best way is to walk away from it, 'cause most of the time it will escalate and she's going to find that one thing that will piss you off. It's not worth losing your right, given also the justice system we have. Better, find a different girl.
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Wottinhell does this have to do with the ownership

And appreciation of firearms?

Ummm, everything. Read again. If she had managed to convince the LEOs that I had been violent, I'd only be able to look at firearms in pictures and glass cases for the rest of my life. The same is true of anyone who receives a DV charge, and it happens all the time even when there was no violence.

The best way is to walk away from it, 'cause most of the time it will escalate and she's going to find that one thing that will piss you off.

Always the best, not always easy to do when she wants to keep fighting. Especially when she makes threats of aborting your child if she doesn't get her way. Messed up, but that's been my reality lately.

"Domestic Abuse" and "Rape" are two of the most misused and abused laws on the books. Revenge charges are what I call these false statements.

So true, and the other side of that issue is that the existence of so many false accusations does a great disservice to women who really are victims.

hold on.

she's a girlfriend. not your wife. that means she has absolutely ZERO say over your finances. sentiment or not, the choices are ultimately yours. You are a FREE MAN until a legal document says she gets half of everything. While I think you did alright, and everything ended fine, here's what I would have done:

1. Sit and do not respond to anything.
2. Continue to sit.
3. Continue to sit/absorb punches/slaps (I'll draw the line at knife-wielding)

she'll run out of steam and either go cry herself silly at mama's or a friend's house. While she's gone, change your locks, put her crap in boxes, and leave them at the front step. Now would be a GREAT time for a little vacation-maybe to a good friend's house who's a little ways out of town, maybe get a room at an oceanfront hotel, whatever you want. Get a case of beer or two and kick back. Just don't tell anybody where you're going and things will surely blow over. That way, there's absolutely no risk to your 2A rights (see there, it's gun related now!)

Boy, all that talk of beer and beachfront hotels has me really wishing it was the first week in March. I got big plans, boys and girls. Big plans...
Is this a meeting of the He-Man Woman Haters Club?
If it is I have been happily married to my one and only woman for 32 years. It is a lot of give and take. Have a great dog too...Izzie.
I guess I don't qualify to join.

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