Almost lost my gun rights

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Hah, we had a call last night for an assault with 3 patients.... we staged away from the scene and then were released. A heated argument prompted a call to 911 that there was an assault with three victims. There was nothing but hurt feelings, but now that house has a reputation.

I used to have a bad temper, and one Christmas eve we had a bad argument, kids were screaming, all over nothing... well... dispatch called the house. We talked and we have NEVER argued like that again. It was an eye opener, and because no one was dispatched there was never a call number.

Scary stuff indeed.
They do it once they'll do it forever, I'm A NJ escapey. My Ex once called from a hundred miles away and said I was killing her, yup. She called her local municipality (home town in NJ)and they called my locals and I was treated like Jack the Ripper. They trashed my house (no gun registration ha) they knew of every gun I ever bought ad demanded I turn them over. I had months before turned them all over to a friend of mine knowing this was coming.
After making bail a day later as I was leaving the P.C. asked where you going and I said home he said no your not. This town was so small they had no jail they let you sit in a chair that looked like it was from the space shuttle and strapped and cuffed you to the chair. Well he said your not leaving until you give me the names and addresses of every person you sold your guns to. Well I had turned them over to a relative of one of his Captains and I wouldn't give him the info. I sat there for about 6 more hours until the Captain strolled by and seen me, he said what you doing here and others explained to him what had happened and he fessed up that his cousin had the guns, they tried to take them from him but he knew more of the law then the PC.
Bottom line was about a day and a half in Jail, $3,000.00 for a lawyer and she was actually ripped apart by the judge. And yes I was given a FRO (FeMale Judge)against her. She has broken it about a hundred times and has never been arrested yet, including breaking into my home.
And here we are 8 years later I moved a thousand miles away and I have to go to court again in NJ because she files more bogus papers in court and yes my attorney said it will cost me oh just send a check for a thousand dollars to start.
Your girlfriend tries to steal your stuff and then tries to get you on spousal abuse and so you almost end up losing your gun rights and yet you see no need to have false report charges filed on her.

Personally, I am all for engaging in a little better active defense than passively letting things slide.

Like I said before, I've got a kid to think about. That is my one and only concern at this point. Increasing hostilities between her and I by tring to get her in trouble with the law cannot possibly have a positive effect on my unborn child or future dealings with her after the child is born.
No one should be angry at "Women". “Women” are not the “problem”.

Instead we should be angry at a Country and Political process that will denies Men their civil rights after a misdemeanor violation.

Parking tickets are misdemeanors.

The threshold is so low that unscrupulous females have and will continue to use the law to hurt men.

The fact that we accepted this, did nothing to stop this, and won’t vote the liberals out who did this to us, only shows what a bunch of chumps we are.

I strongly suspect that the current state of the laws got to where they are in a time when women did not have jobs/income or other means to support themselves financially; therefore they would have been up the creek without a paddle every time if a split were to happen according to lines that would be equitable today. Women staying home with no income and being pure-bred, perfect-intentioned angels 100% of the time are traditionally conservative constructs, so I don't think we can blame the liberals for this one...

Seems it is well past time to re-evaluate these laws based on the current "socio-economic climate", however. Same with divorce and custody laws.

Personally, my life experience has led me to involuntarily assume that any female from my generation is crazy until proven otherwise, and "proving it" is mighty difficult, since, as mentioned prior... I've never divorced them. :scrutiny:

Luckily I'm generally the kind of guy who doesn't have to put his hand on the burner to know its hot. I was being subjected to the "frog in the pot" approach by my last girlfriend, but luckily escaped just in time (no cops/no kids = I consider it a victory), and have no real regrets about remaining a free man ever since.

Best of luck to all those going through unjustified woman-related drama.

Men aren't immune from criticism either as far as I'm concerned though. I know guys that have had their friends tell them straight in no uncertain terms what their gf's are up to, and what they are really like from an objective 3rd party perspective, and go on to ignore that advice... I can only feel but so bad for them after that.
It's not up to us to file charges. My Attorney has asked every time to have charges brought against my Ex.
The Judge once stated NO. We have murders and rapist her to deal with we don't have the time to deal with such things.
I even went to court and asked that mt litigants rights be enforced. I was told No!! and for all you who don't believe I will send you the order that states the court will not enforce FRO. It's a woman's Court

MachIVshooter said:
Your girlfriend tries to steal your stuff and then tries to get you on spousal abuse and so you almost end up losing your gun rights and yet you see no need to have false report charges filed on her.

Personally, I am all for engaging in a little better active defense than passively letting things slide.
Like I said before, I've got a kid to think about. That is my one and only concern at this point. Increasing hostilities between her and I by tring to get her in trouble with the law cannot possibly have a positive effect on my unborn child or future dealings with her after the child is born
Just out of curiousity, wouldn't having charges against her make it easier to gain sole custody and keep her out of the kid's life entirely?

Perhaps. But the child's health is more important than winning a custody battle. Besides which, I have a pretty decent amount of ammuntion for that with witness testimonies and other provable things not mentioned here. I'm sure a judge will understand why I chose not to exascerbate the situation while my child is still in the womb.
Not to mention you might be able to swing child endangerment. FAS is pretty much given knowledge these days, right?
This is why security starts with keeping your doors SHUT AND LOCKED. And that includes keeping them shut to relationships. The person in the bed beside you can be a vastly greater threat to your liberty than any goblin off the streets. Romantic relationships are the nexus of an astonishing amount of crime and sorrow. Marriage is at best a game of chance. Considering the magnitude of the risks you're running it's best to stay clear of the whole business. If you get lonely buy a new gun.

If you've gone through this kind of hell and survived, have the local tattoo artist inscribe "NEVER AGAIN" on you so you won't forget. And if you do forget and you fall for it again, then you should ask your local LEO's to throw you in the slammer on charges of rank stupidity.

This cuts both ways, of course. I've known women trapped in living nightmares with a psycho spouse or boyfriend. Man-children who can't imagine life without "their woman" and threaten to kill her if she leaves. Such "men" need a smackdown with an iron rod, but the last blow should be saved for the woman who was stupid enough to fall for him because he looked like James Dean when he was 19. Fall for the bad boy and he's likely to be a very bad boy. Be the knight in shining armor for some basket case and you're likely to get a knife stuck between your plates.
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Swearing off all romantic relationships based on a bad experience is like a newb swearing off guns because the first time at the range someone slipped you .500 Linebaugh and the front sight came up and smacked you in the face. I will agree that choosing poorly can result in a world of hurt.

Perhaps. But the child's health is more important than winning a custody battle. Besides which, I have a pretty decent amount of ammuntion for that with witness testimonies and other provable things not mentioned here. I'm sure a judge will understand why I chose not to exascerbate the situation while my child is still in the womb.

I understand your concern. But if she's drinking heavily and doing Lord knows what else, I'd think police custody might be the safest place for the kid. She sounds like her life is pretty damn stressful as it is...

That being said, I feel for you. That's a brutal situation and there is no real clear cut "best" path to take.
If revolvers took my stuff, screamed at me over nonsense, tried to frame me for a felony and on top of it sued for monthly payments yeah I'd swear off revolvers too.
But if she's drinking heavily and doing Lord knows what else, I'd think police custody might be the safest place for the kid.

I don't think it's heavily, but I have reason to believe it exceeds the commonly accepted, reasonably safe "occasional one drink with a meal". Regardless, though people have tried, no laws recognize the right of an unborn child over the right of the mother, and it's perfectly legal for her, an adult, to consume alcohol.

However, once the dust settles over the next few days and my blood pressure drops below 200, I'm going to consult an attorney and find out what my options are with regards to ensuring my kid's safety. Not up to it yet, though. Stress kills my apetite; I've dropped 9 pounds in 5 days and don't exactly feel on top of the world.
"A" woman != "all" women.

I sincerely believe this is true. What I don't have any faith in is my ability to tell the difference between crazy and not crazy. If I can't tell the difference, I am doing with women something else that I can do with a revolver: Playing Russian Roulette. Heh.

According to divorce statistics, 50-60% of men share my affliction.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I've "sworn off relationships"; (Cosmoline states it at a level of absoluteness and harshness that few would) that really isn't how I feel in principle. I'll say that I now exercize a level of caution that is likely to keep me out of "committed relationships".

I generally keep the guns locked up and out of sight/out of mind from people I don't actually shoot with, and that includes the women in my life. If I ever get back into a relationship I will not even mention that domestic issues = no guns, since all that will do is plant the seeds that could *possibly* grow into ideas that are hazardous to your health.
When the handwriting is on the wall get the fire arms out of the house over and to a good friend's. Sell them to him for a dollar if it has to be that way.
I put in 20 years in the military and let me tell you the service is no place to foster and bloom marriages.
Looks like marriage never brings anything good. I am always the paranoid **** who thinks women can't be trusted when I say marriage is the first step to divorce, but I'm right. The system is already women driven, so find a good reason to put yourself in a situation where you basically allow the law to destroy your life, and no, love isn't a good reason, people who truly love each other don't need to get married.
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Balog said:
Just out of curiousity, wouldn't having charges against her make it easier to gain sole custody and keep her out of the kid's life entirely?

Yes my ex had become such an as ass that the Judge gave me full custody.
Even allowed me to leave the state with the 3 kids.
Tactically sound? :rolleyes:

Many marriages end badly. Many parents are abusive. Many friends betray you. What's your point? Living as a hermit with no meaningful human interaction is not a good solution. It's a gross over reaction.

My Brother went through the same thing as you. His Ex wouldn't leave him alone and kept filing false charges against him.

Finally, his lawyer had enough and threatened to file a lawsuit against her for filing false accusations.

That ended it.
Unread Today, 06:58 AM #121

Join Date: May 30, 2005
Location: Virginia, USA
Posts: 138


My Brother went through the same thing as you. His Ex wouldn't leave him alone and kept filing false charges against him.

Finally, his lawyer had enough and threatened to file a lawsuit against her for filing false accusations.

That ended it.

Well that would mean another trip to a state I despise. LOL

I have a FRO but I've had two counties with more proof then you can imagine and they refuse to issue an arrest warrant. At one time had a taped message of her threatening not only my life but my kids as well.
People just don't get the toll it takes on you when you get bashed continually. But it looks like I'll be headed that way in a few months anyway. Plus the cost to answer each charge.

This portion isn't related to 2A rights, but it is something that I hope the moderators will allow, since it is of concern to anyone in a similar situation to mine, now or in the future.

I just got off the phone with yet another attorney, and I finally have to give up on this part of the fight. Summary is that a father has ZERO rights where the child is concerned until it is born and paternity testing verifies fatherhood. I cannot do a thing to compell her to test for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or to prevent her from murdering my child before it is born. NOTHING. Legally, the father of an unborn child is 100% irrelevant.

I'm angry, sad, concerned and a host of other emotions.

Just thought I would share, in case such knowledge can prevent another member from ever having to face such a heartbraking nightmare.
As unstable as she sounds, I'd be insisting on a paternity test before wanting anything to do with it anyway...

You are not married, right? If it is someone else's kid, you are out clean.
As unstable as she sounds, I'd be insisting on a paternity test before wanting anything to do with it anyway...

You are not married, right? If it is someone else's kid, you are out clean.

Brother, do a little reading on both fetal alcohol syndrome and post-first trimester abortions. It'll turn your stomach, and I expect you won't be so dismissive of a child just because it's not yours.

I'm going to leave it at that, since discussion of those things is neither gun related, nor can it stay high road.
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