If you have opportunity to get kernels (less confusing than "grains) which stall on the case mouth, it's a simple change to your set up.
If you're using the AutoDrum on a press, I expect you're using the Lee charging die. The die should be set such the case mouth is touching the inverted funnel - this ensures the powder falls in the center of the case mouth. For the wide mouthed 44mag, this is fool proof. HOWEVER, there IS one problem in the die body - there's a "step" above the centering funnel in the die body, so the powder falls from the Autodrum drop tube into the die, and can hang on this "lip" around the perimeter of the die.
The solution is simple, give the die a couple quick wraps with a hammer handle at the top of the charging stroke. OR, if you're careful, either give a double bump, or a sharp "bump" to the ram handle to shake the press a bit. It all just becomes a part of your reloading sequence - just part of your cadence. I picked up an AutoDrum a bit over a year ago, have loaded thousands of rounds of H110 with it.
If you're loading on the bench with a funnel, same deal, just give the funnel a quick wrap before you remove it.