Amazon supporting GUN CONTROL

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Spin it any way you want. The fact is that Amazon is supporting monetarily a group that wants to disarm you. I don't care what other charities or organizations they support. Would it be ok with you if Winchester or Colt gave a portion of their sales to any organization that asked for it including a very active anti gun group? Do you ever think they would do that? Nope, of course not. Support them if you want, I won't.

Actually that would be just fine with me since 5% would be going to the antis, but 95% would be going to gun companies which is good and plus they probably donate around 5% of that to the NRA.

This is just the way the market works, all you have to do is not click on links to stores from bad websites like the Million Moms.

This is just how capitalism works, the best thing we can do is overpower it with capitalism of our own- buy more guns!!!!:D
"I come before you to stand behind you and speak to you of things I know nothing about"- Liberal Politician who shall remain nameless and hopefully jobless

Hmmm, must have been an okie.

Mall Ninja
New Member

Join Date: 12-13-07
Posts: 28 Since when is this a legal issue?

You're right, someone actively trying to usurp your right to own a gun has nothing to do with a legal issue. Mods can you please move this topic to "RECIPES".
You're right, someone actively trying to usurp your right to own a gun has nothing to do with a legal issue.
Which "law concerning firearm issues" (lifted from the front page here) is being debated?
Oh, my God!

I just found out that the World Wide Web hosts anti-gun web sites!
We MUST get THR off the WWW now!!!
Otherwise, we'll be supporting anti-gun groups!

Question: If Amazon is truly anti-gun, why do they sell so many books on shooting, reloading, gunsmithing, competition, collecting, hunting, training, military weapons, self defense...
I hope that THR member Guntalk doesn't mind me quotinq him from THIS THREAD...

Bogus Anti-Gun Rumor

Here we go again.

Just like the famous "AT&T is Anti-Gun" myth, now we have one about

The "alert" making the rounds on the net is that has "joined forces" with the Million Mom March and is contributing to that anti-gun group.

Folks, please do the research.

This is just the standard affilate program where the company or organization which links to gets a 5% commission on book sales it sends to

This is not a special deal for the Million Mom March. It's available to me, to you, to the NRA, to GOA, etc.

We have enough legitimate anti-gun groups without making up another one.

This kind of knee-jerk reaction just makes us look dumb. Don't buy into it.
From Freedomstatesalliance website:

"Additionally, the gun lobby is very effective at convincing Americans that they need guns in their home, in their cars and in the workplace for self-defense. To be effective though, a homeowner, for example, would need to be sitting by the door holding a loaded gun and ready to fire it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It would be an isolating and anxious way to live."

I'll be sure and visit this topic again in a year when ya'll are crying like little girls because of all the new gun control laws. You have had it relatively good for the last 8 years. Now you are on the cusp of having the most liberal president we have had in a long time and a strongly controlled liberal house and senate. You had better wake up and fight EVERY place you find the gun control activists gaining a toehold. I said, there will be a LOT of little girl crying around here very soon.

I could have sworn I closed this. There's no legal question and no legal information here.

Texasrecurve, we talk politely around here, and the "girls" on this forum are not people you want to mess with. Consider carefully and don't forget the rules you agreed to follow when you signed up.
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Join Date: 02-22-07
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You're right, someone actively trying to usurp your right to own a gun has nothing to do with a legal issue.

Which "law concerning firearm issues" (lifted from the front page here) is being debated?

How about something called the Second Ammendment?

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