American Red Cross AND Gun Control

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Sep 13, 2006
Parkersburg, WV
In 2001 after the 911 attack I read a lot of stuff about around 25% of the money collected by the Red Cross going to fund anti-gun groups. Is there truth to this? The reason I am asking is there is a lot of misinformation circulating and even untrue crap placed, I believe, by the anti-gun community in the hopes we will circulate it so they can say "look at the stupid pro-gun community". I want to stay clear of bad information whenever possible so if this is true where can I find verification? This morning I was listening to a podcast by Alex Haddox called Practical Defense and at the end was a PSA for the Red
Cross which really peaked my curiousity. Is there a reliable website that lists what businesses and orginizations contribute to pro and anti gun groups?
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On 11/03/10, Barack Obama will blame losing the house and senate on "failed policies of the past 8 years."
No he will still be blaming George W Bush
"In 2001 after the 911 attack I read a lot of stuff about around 25% of the money collected by the Red Cross going to fund anti-gun groups. Is there truth to this?"

I have no personal knowledge of this, one way or the other. I assume you read it on the web? If so, you should know the web is even less authoritative/accurate/unbiased than the mainstream "news" media on anything political.
I suppose that it is feasible that many of the groups who get Red Cross money have said or sone something anti-gun, it doesn't sound so impossible.

But at the same time, it doesn't mean that these groups don't do their jobs and should be shut down for lack of funding. If giving straight to the Red Cross gives you the willies, then do some homework and pick charities that agree with you more and give to them instead. Look at The Wounded Warrior Project, The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome, or The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, for examples. (And yes, I have donated to all three.)
Can't tell you 'bout Red Cross, but before I retired my employer made a big deal of 100% of employees donating to United Way (a well known secret that if you didn't contribute, you didn't get hired). 'Course, United Way donated a sizeable amount of money to Red Cross, and when United Way got caught donating money to gun control groups, a number of employees stopped donating to United Way. We were told we could specify where our donations went, but knowing they would simply rob from Peter to pay Paul, we removed authorization for the company to deduct donations from our paychecks.
It's a shame it came to this, but organizations like the United Way really need to keep their nose outta politics-'specially those trying to deny you a constitutional right! :fire:

BTW-a little history in order here, but I'm flying on memory-when this issue was brought up, the United Way initially denied it, but the NRA had documents proving they had donated to gun control groups. The NRA sat on the proof long enough for the United Way CEO to hang himself and the organization.
First they denied giving money towards gun control.
When confronted with proof, they then offered to send donations where you specified.

I can point you to this from VCDL's Gun Owner Unfriendly Businesses page (Boldface mine):
American Red Cross

Everyone who can, should make regular blood donations. However, the Red Cross does not respect us, so find a hospital that doesn't ban guns. Yes, I know that is hard, but it is possible. It doesn't hurt, takes about half an hour in total, and will really make you feel good.

From the Red Cross Disaster Response Handbook (May 2008):

14. Violence-Free Work Environment

The Red Cross promotes a safe work environment for all employees and volunteers and does not tolerate any type of violent behavior committed by or against employees or volunteers. All Red Cross workers, regardless of their personnel category, are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

Threatening or violent behavior committed by anyone against employees, volunteers, vendors or clients during work or off-duty hours will not be tolerated. Such behavior may include, but is not limited to, the following:

Physical injury to another person;


Behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury in another person;

Intentionally causing damage to employer property or property of another employee or volunteer;

Possession of weapons (for example, guns, knives, clubs, explosive devices, etc.) on Red Cross property or while at Red Cross sponsored- activities;

Committing acts motivated by, or related to, sexual harassment or domestic violence.

Management will take seriously and appropriately respond to statements or gestures that in any way suggest that the employee or volunteer may engage in violent conduct.

Employees and volunteers on a disaster relief operation must immediately report any potentially dangerous situations or unauthorized individuals on Red Cross premises to Staff Relations and Investigations, Compliance and Ethics. Investigations, Compliance and Ethics will promptly investigate reports of statements or behavior that may violate this policy. Investigations, Compliance and Ethics will conduct all investigations in as confidential a manner as possible. An employee or volunteer suspected of violent behavior will be dismissed from the disaster relief operation and placed on a temporary inactive status during the investigation until investigations, Compliance and Ethics determines a course of action in consultation with the Staff Relations activity.
I am trying to find a list on Gun-friendly and Gun-unfriendly businesses in Oregon so that I can spend my dollars more wisely. Any suggestions?

Last week I discovered the Red-Cross policy while donating blood... Sadly, after conversation with the facility manager that was unproductive, I will no longer be donating blood at the Red-Cross blood drives... :fire:
I will never ever give one penny to the United Way.

When I used to work security for one company they tried to make us give.....I refused then over what they did or tried to do to the Boy Scouts.

Now I guess I'll seek elsewere for future first aide training.
There is no evidence, much less proof, that the American Red Cross gives money to anyone, much less groups that are anti.

The problem with threads like this that ask a question is that people misread it as an accusation instead of simple question about an internet rumor and then start wildly making the negative association. So, let's repeat it again for people that won't bother to read this thread -

There is no evidence, much less proof, that the American Red Cross gives money to anyone, much less groups that are anti.

That they require employees and volunteers to not carry weapons is unfortunately consistent with many businesses.
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