Ammo buying insanity!!??

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Jan 22, 2012
NE Kansas
I could not help myself; had to shout this out. It is really frightening. See for yourselves and log on to and type in "9mm ammo". I found a case of 500 Federal 115gr FMG with the bid at $515 and the bidding was still going on. Dozens of such offerings were listed. What in the world is happening?? Fear does crazy things to people.
Unfortunately, there are lots of new gun buyers that have recently bought a gun but can`t find any ammo except on GB or some inflated auction site. So what do they do? Keep the expensive paperweight or suck it up and shell out what we consider outrageous prices? Face it, those are outrageous prices and the sellers should be ashamed of themselves but if I`d just bought a gun due to the social unrest / hurricanes / whatever and I couldn`t find any ammo...I may just have to do the same.
Most of us here remember the shortages of 2008 and 2012 and put some back accordingly, I know I did...but many are new owners and have no other choice.:fire:
This is just the tip of the Iceberg. This sport I have had a passion for decades will never be the same again. I have a solid suppy of ammo but do not shoot anymore but only on a rare occasion. Once shot not replaceable. I know who to thank for this crap. Gun owners better wake up and smell the stench. That said, we are all to blame for letting them get away this.
Toilet paper? Lol, big difference between it and firearms. They have been giving us warning signs for years and now it is here.And if things turn South at the elections, then we will all be going straight to hell in a freight train.
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New gun owners are not used to 600 round range sessions with 16 cent per round ammo. They think 500 rounds is a good supply and with no reference, one dollar a round doesn't seem that bad.
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