Ammo Can Shortage - The Root Of The Problem.

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"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane."
Jimmy Buffet

No stealing tag lines. It's actually "If we weren't all crazy we would be insane." And yes I am a Parrothead. Makes my Hawaiian shirts fit right in for carrying.:D
f your family had two remote islands on which to escape a hell-world situation and one of the islands was a naive but well organized socialist society and the other was made up of individuals with a creed of "me first, always", which would you choose?

The first island would be called Utopia which literally means 'no place' and therefore couldn't exist. People talk about George Orwell a lot and his stuff is good but he was copying the true master of the genre, St. Thomas More.

Oh, I got the joke too. :)
I really need to get after the reloading, got everything I need except a decent bench, work area and components.

+1 after I updated it.

I have components, I just need a good work space.

Where are you, Phydeaux? Is there any military bases nearby? I bought most of my cans from a guy that buys tons of surplus stuff from Ft. Carson in Colorado Springs, and resells it on Craigslist. I need to go see him again, he's got some other stuff I'm interested in.
I'm in the midwest. Closest base is probably Ft. Leonard Wood. I check Craigs list once in a while for all kinds of different things. Gun related items go pretty quick.
from what i understand is it is up to whoever is in charge of whatever base it is. ft. hood is now grinding them this gov't is smart!!!
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