Ammo Sale...

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Mar 19, 2012
Perhaps we should keep a running thread, sharing deals we've found on Ammo?
Sticky perhaps?

To start, Dick's has Remington Game & Target loads on sale, buy one get the next 1/2 off. Regular price $6.99, $3.49 for the 2nd box. Buy a bunch, and if you get a customer survey invite on your receipt, you get $10 off the next $50 purchase. But, after you have the coupon code, they'll let you apply that to the previous purchase, and get your $10 refunded. (Plus the tax. :) ) That works out to $45.55 a flat, including 6% sales tax, or $4.56 a box. Plus, you get the points on your loyalty card, and get coupons later on. I'm not a sales person for Dicks, but needless to say, they got me hook line and sinker tonight... :)
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Same store. Almost the same promotional deal. Got 200 rounds of 12ga Heavy 8 Winchester ammo for $40 with free ammo can to fit it all. Still have quiet a bit of it left.
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