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Jun 30, 2003
Found a odd site with a page about ammo that has me scratching my head right now...

Armor Piercing Rounds
These rounds provide the weapon they are fired from with the Armor Piercing extra. Every success to hit lowers the soak value of the target by two. They are designed for all types of small arms up to the 30mm machine gun. Armor Piercing rounds are illegal for private citizens to purchase, own, or use, and possession of these rounds is a felony offense in the United States.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it only certan states like Kalli for EG that AP rounds are illegal?

To mu knowlege AP rounds are more or less the same as HP rounds...

If I am right, can somone please send this guy an e-mail to get the nonsense coreected...?
It's part of a role-playing game system. It's doesn't have to make any more sense than the lighting bolt rules in D&D:D

About the NovaNet
The NovaNet is a personal webpage dedicated to providing players of the Aberrant role-playing game with original material that can be added into any ongoing campaign series.

Don't feel too bad, I did that once myself. After a 'net search, hit a blurb about the FN P-90 that made no sense. I was thinking "what the..?" :confused: :scrutiny:

Then I scrolled up to the top and realized it was a game site. :rolleyes:
Maybe someone should still write, so they can correct their information. Even though it's just about a game, a lot of people will end up with the wrong idea about this, and probably a lot of other things. Maybe someone should just send an e-mail and point them to this site as an information source.

I can't tell you how many times I've had someone ask me if I had "a permit for that" or said "I thought those were illegal" in reference to one of my guns or some kind of ammo. My favorite is when they ask if my hollowpoint rounds are "those cop-killer bullets". *sigh*

I would say go out and try to correct misinformation wherever you find it, but it would turn into a full-time job pretty quickly.
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