Another Call for the AWB

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Last time the AWB threw a wrench into sales of weapons/mags. We found ways around the ban. If we couldn't import stuff, we simply made the stuff here.

End result, you could still buy 30 round AK mags for around 15 dollars in Jan. 94.
You could still buy AK 47s and ARs and stuff. Really just minor inconvienences.

No way to tell what a new AWB would say, so we'll have to find new ways around it when (if) it happenes.
Heritic - Dont think they didnt notice......

If they get one thought they wont put a sunset provision in it either...... I think the there is a second "Change" term, it will be on the agenda. I dont trust the congress not to give it to him. IMO, the Tea Party would stand in the way, but all to often "Republicans" have been willing to bargan with our 2nd Amendment Right.
Getting back On Topic… I think you’re missing the point.

My two cents worth here is that articles such as the one on CNN and various news outlets, and the Administration’s talking points, are merely flak. By that I mean they’re meant to distract. They act as a lightening rod to distract everyone’s attention about the issue. On the one hand, it gets gun owners up in arms about an AWB, and non-gun owners are softened up to the idea there is a desperate need for more gun laws. Basically, it’s propaganda in its finest form and use.

Consider a couple of points:

1.) When the present Administration came in, there were 50-70 Czars appointed to help administrate. A lot of these appointments were of people who are politically out on the flat end of the bell curve. By making them “Czars” they don’t have to go through any Senate confirmation hearings or scrutiny. These people wield a great deal of power inside and outside the normal channels of government. That’s how it’s done in Chicago. Who would’ve guessed?

2.) The President was over heard making the comment to Mrs. Brady that they are working on the gun issue “under the radar”. To use a technical term, it’s called “Sub Rosa”. That means “under the table”, “outside of official channels” or “actions taken in secrecy”.

3.) Ask yourself, “How has the current Administration dealt with other issues on their agenda? Not through passing laws through the House and Senate, (Healthcare Bill is a glaring exception; it took a long time and is going to the Supreme Court) but by fiat, declaration.

Shell Oil is a good example of using regulatory management to obtain a desired out come. No drilling in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, or the east and west coast, even though drilling permits have been issued and gas is headed for five bucks a gallon. It’s the Eco-Nazis and the EPA preventing the drilling

How about Boeing wanting to move part of their production to N. Carolina? They would prefer not to end up in the same shape as GM. But, there’s the NLRB and the unions going to court to stop them.

You got what in those bullets? LEAD? What kind of chemicals are in those primers? You’re going to put what into the air? And, at how many decibels? We don’t need no stink’en laws, we got REGULATIONS about that! And we may have to regulate and tax the interstate shipment of those very dangerous items.

So, basically this Administration can use regulatory abuse to impede, harass, civilian gun owners and circumvent the Second Amendment. That’s one scenario and there are numerous others. For instance, they could drive up the price of all of the components used in making ammunition, pricing them out of reach of the average shooter. Or they could declare brass, lead, powder and primers of national strategic importance and not to be used frivolously by civilians.

So, I think that’s how it’s going to go since it would be very difficult to get a bill through Congress with the attendant lawsuits and so forth.

So, it’s up to us to stay vigilant and watch what they’re doing, not what they’re saying. They will lie to you. By the way, what are they calling that war in Libya? Humanitarian Intervention, or something, isn’t it?

In 1994 the AWB passed the US house by one vote: That vote was the retiring minority leader, who flip flopped at the last minute. In 1994 the senate voted to extend the AWB. There is a very good chance that an AWB would pass the US senate today.

The Speaker of the House has stated that the magazine ban is dead in the water. In theory, the antis in the house could collect 218 signatures on a discharge petition and force a floor vote: That is not going to happen.
Consider a couple of points:

1.) When the present Administration came in, there were 50-70 Czars appointed to help administrate. A lot of these appointments were of people who are politically out on the flat end of the bell curve.
If you think the current landscape is anything like a bell curve, you're extremely mistaken. It has been so skewed in the past few years that people refer to the current administration as radically left, when it's really more center right.

Shell Oil is a good example of using regulatory management to obtain a desired out come. No drilling in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, or the east and west coast, even though drilling permits have been issued and gas is headed for five bucks a gallon. It’s the Eco-Nazis and the EPA preventing the drilling
Darn those Eco-Nazis at the DoE with their report on the insignificance of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge! :uhoh:

If I had to bet, the AWB is something that two sides are clamoring for. One side wants to maintain the facade that they have a chance in enacting useless laws that fail to achieve their stated goal, and the other needs to energize the base. Ignore the fact that your Congressmen either have no backbone or have no concept of compromise when it comes to the debt, we've got a ban to argue over!
The AWB is dead because they know the damage it can do if they actually pulled it off.
The gun owner vote would destroy a lot of political "careers"(used in quotations because it doesn't really produce anything like an actual job).
The real damage Obama can do to the gun owner is through Executive Order once he doesn't care about re-election. Nothing else will fly, because this issue is a political mine field.
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