Another Rigged CNN Poll

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Do you really think the poll is rigged or is it more plausible that most folks don't really have knowledge of the AWB and what it does? They simply see "assault weapon" and have been brainwashed into thinking they need to be banned. My wife would have been in favor of an extension a few years ago just because she didn't know any better. Lack of knowledge of something can be very dangerous.

Do you really think the poll is rigged ? /QUOTE]

Dunno but I sure would like a way of finding out.

We have influenced many other polls recently as more and more "pro" sites become aware of them, this one, although it had plenty of exposure did not seem to react in the same way. Perhaps there were more "anti" sites pushing the numbers than usual?
since it's using a Server side Script, that never leaves the server, the only way to Truely tell if it is indeed Rigged, would be if you had Unrestricted access to the ftp server the code is on, even then you would have to still pull the code apart (if it isn't a .jar file or encrypted)...

Hhere's a Rundown of basicaly what People from , , and have found.
  • Sometimes to Incerement the Lift raiting by 1 it will take 10 Votes, Other times It takes only 1.
  • Sometimes to Increment the Extend Vote by 1 It takes 1 Vote, but Others it can go up by as much as i've found sofar by 27.
  • Sometimes Votes From Lift, get Incremented to Extend

I Don't know about you, but that certanly looks Rigged to me...:barf:
Gets many fince sitters to stop and think, as well as more anti's than most think.
The general idea would seem to be that it cannot hurt our cause to influence these polls, and can only help. To wit, if we 'win' the poll will get buried, and if we lose there is always the chance that it will get publicized.

My thought is that this is an in-a-nutshell demonstration as to why open internet polling is utterly worthless. ;)

Also, the most likely reason why this poll is less easily swayed is that it has a very large number of people have voted on it...each consecutive vote that we send that way has a smaller and smaller influence.

Remember, the great unwashed masses need "the news" to tell them what their opinions are. If we crush every anti-gun poll, and the polls are then buried, there are no polls saying "77% of all people favor banning assault weapons!"

I agree that the polls themselves are next to worthless. But it takes two seconds for each pro-rights person to cast a vote and help crush the grabbers.

On-line petitions, though, are *completely* worthless. And they're dangerous... people think they're accomplishing something by signing them, and may not put forth effort somewhere else where it could help.
You need to remember it is the CLINTON NEWS NETWORK. I wonder how one on Fox news would do since it dont have as much liberal stuff in it.
Every time I've tried to vote ("Lifted") in this poll, it pops up a window which just hangs and never completes. I have a suspicion that my "Lifted" vote has never been counted.
If anyone had high enough access to a Pro-2A group senior member who could communicate a request to CNN for proof that the poll was not "rigged" it may get very interesting...or boring.
What do you hope to accomplish in all the "help us crush this poll" threads? Seems like there's one every day.
Because if we win, at worst the poll is never published or otherwise used against us. If we lose by such a margin, expect it to be used against us repeatedly.

IIRC, the "lifted" side has only moved ~900 votes in the last few days.
Wall Street Journal had a poll recently, 76% of people wanted to keep the AWB in place. The WSJ is not as prone to liberal bias as other news sources.

I believe the poll is accurate. Most people have been convinced by the media that assault weapons are fully automatic machine guns.

THR members are part of a fringe element. We all think the ban should be lifted, and most of our friends do also. But we are in fact a small minority.
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