CNN is running a poll on extending the "assault" weapons ban

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Just thought I'd bring this to te top.
We are at 38% So we are Gaining cool.
I may not be a lagit poll, but i like seeing te numbers for the lifted side rise a bit.
Should the federal ban on assault weapons be...

Lifted 51% 152267 votes

Extended 49% 148239 votes

Total: 300506 votes

How did that happen so fast?
I'm always amazed that AWB opponents are surprised by such numbers. I mean, it's like asking the sheep if they approve of extending the "anti-child abuse act". It's all in the packaging. Heck, plenty of gun owners have no clue what the AWB actually bans. Joe and Mandy Sheep of Bissninny, California areen't going to have any more clue.
Am I being overly pedantic to be a tad peeved that the word lifted gives the wrong impression about how the law would end?
No, you are just identifying the ignorance (and dare I say it, BIAS) of the media elite.
I voted, the number of lifted voters was 160835 votes.

Voted again, and again, and again and the number was 160835 votes.

They must set a cookie.
Just voted on the CNN Poll.

300,000 plus votes indicated, 52% for "Lifting", 48% for "retaining".
I just can't believe - -

- - they've left this poll up for so long.

Count is now 211,000+ votes to lift the ban, 58%. In a national election, 58% for ANYTHING or ANYONE would be a LANDSLIDE!

I'm sure the anti's won't be lifted by the current vote, unless they claim, if it's not continued, they might be lifted in a pine box!
I can't imagine how online polls matter at all to anyone. They attract a completely unbiased sample, and are open to cheating.
"They attract a completely unbiased sample, and are open to cheating."

Please forgive me...But unbiased does not seem like the correct term.

Did they understand that there might be cheating (AKA stuffed ballots)??
You betcha!!!
The voting, as of this time seems to favor us.
We have all the resources that the anti's have..Why not use them to our advatage??
Cheers, VB
And CNN sells more ads on their website based upon traffic. Several hundred thousand extra hits to vote on this poll mean extra advertising dollars and/or higher ad rates.

So by voting in a completely meaningless poll, you are putting more money in CNN's pockets. They could care less if you cheat and the results are skewed.
Hummm - - -

We're still stalled at 59 -- 41 %.

We might as well vote every time we hapen to think about it. Maybe we can outlast them. :)

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