Another Saiga thread - did something silly when ordering parts

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Nov 2, 2009
I finally ordered the parts to convert my Saiga 7.62x39 and they came a few days ago. I have my Tapco G2 FCG, the SAW pistol grip, some magazines...

I also forgot to make sure that I got the pistol grip nut, and I had no idea I even needed a retaining plate. I also didn't pick up any screws, pins, or what have you for installing the FCG. :banghead:

As far as I can figure it, the retaining plate just keeps everything in place when you shoot the gun. When I first started looking into this, I found this tutorial, and he used extra bolts instead of a retaining plate
Has anyone tried using that method? Did it work? I don't mind paying the 5 bucks for a retaining plate, but the extra $$ for shipping, and the waiting, I'd like to do it another way if I can. Is there any reason why I shouldn't use the Chicago bolt method, because even if I end up getting a retaining plate, I'll probably use it to plug the holes.

I'm going to try and machine my own pistol grip nut (WECSOG and MacGyver all the way, dude) so I'll need the tap, screw/pin wise, what else do I need? I'm reusing the trigger guard, can I just use pop rivets?

Finally, I also screwed up and bought the Tapco polymer AK47 magazines :rolleyes: My understanding is I just have to put in a bullet guide, and then shave off a little bit of the magazine latch to get them to work, right?

Thanks for your help guys. I've already scoured the Saiga 12 forum and asked over there, but I did not have much luck, and so far, you guys (and girls) have always pulled through for me.

Chris "the Kayak-Man" Johnson
I also didn't pick up any screws, pins, or what have you for installing the FCG.

You just need the plate and the pins that were in your gun. That cross con instructional is old. Just use a plate, its by far the easiest method IMO and then stick some nylon whole plugs in the wholes left in the back. That bolt method is screwy to me and doesn't look very good either.

Just order a plate and a nut its like $11 for both. You can save on shipping by getting them when you order a bullet guide (unless you are going to make your own).

Yes after the bullet guide shave the latch on the rifle. Might I suggest you get a few different mags including the type you plan to run and file a little then test fit the various mags. File a bit more and test fit. Going slow and frequently testing is easier than remedying taking off too much.
I have never thought to myself "self, i wish i had half assed that project."

That may become my new sig line.

I'll place the order today. Do I need any extra pins/screws for installing the FCG? Any thoughts on using the binding post screws to plug the holes?


Chris "the Kayak Man" Johnson
Go to the Dinzag Arms website and order all your conversion parts. They have the plugs and plate and everything else you need there.

If you don't have the patience to do the job right, you shouldn't be messing with the gun. So, relax, take a breather, order the right stuff.
I was just looking at the Dinzag Arms stuff. I think I'll just buy the bullet guide, plugs, nut, plate, etc, from them.

Kymasabe, you're right: I've been working towards this for over a year, I can wait 3-5 business days for parts to ship.
I had no idea I even needed a retaining plate

You don't really need the retaining plate, you can reuse the original retaining wire. Just re-install the pin you drove out that held it originally. I did this on two of my five builds (on which I also kept the bolt hold open). Later I opted for what was easiest.
Any thoughts on using the binding post screws to plug the holes?

just put a nylon hole plug it the cost what $0.01 a piece and look just like a rivet.

Do I need any extra pins/screws for installing the FCG?

You shouldn't. Use the two pins that came in your gun.
You can get the Hillman hole plugs at your local Lowes for like $3 or something for a pack. You can also either get e-clips or hitch pins to hold the fire control group pins in place instead of a retaining plate. I went with hitch pins with mine, also purchased at Lowes for a dollar or two.

The hole plugs look darn near 100% like the other rivets, definitely the way to go IMO.
Anything that keeps the pins from moving will work. E-clips, hitch pins, the original wire, a paperclip wrapped around them...

I accidentally enlarged the rear (now useless) holes too much for the proper nylon plugs to work, and chose to make sure they're clean and then put some round allen screws through. Looks professional.

I slid the loop of the original retaining wire over the nearest one of those screws, and then installed the pistol-grip nut, which holds it in place.
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