Another store with a No Firearms sign

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Dec 27, 2002
I just stopped by the fairly large liquor store to pick up a bottle of wine for the weekend. Low and behold there is a big sign over the door now that says NO FIREARMS. So back to the car and into the Glove box goes the pistol. Back into the store I go. I ask the Lady at one of the registars about the sign, she refers me to the manager. This is a LARGE store with 7 registers and he is 3 down. " this man wants to know why we don't allow firearms in her she hollers"( I try to resist just sighing in frustration) The manager says "well the owner just wants it that way" "Its really just to post, if a criminal were to see it they wouldn't obey it, and undercover cops can carry in here"." There is a law that says so". I say, "yes there is a law that says you can post it, but its not required by the state" The whole time he is looking embarased, talking to his chest. There are also 8 other people listening since they chose to have this conversation over 3 lanes. My reply was, "so you are telling me that undercover cops and criminals can carry, but me, a former Army officer who has taken a State Concealed carry class and the state police issued me a liscence to carry a handgun, cannot? " Into his chest again, "yeah, but the law says we can put the sign up." "yes you may"I say as I turn to walk away. "Come back soon "the cashier said to me. My reply was no I think I'll go elsewhere where the owners trust me. I then drove home and now am about to write a letter to the owner. I can't understand some people sometimes.:cuss:
You did the right thing, though. I don't shop at stores that don't allow concealed weapons. I'm not of age to carry a handgun, but I do carry two folding knives, and I get quite irked when I see "NO WEAPONS" signs.
Good luck I have written tons of those letters. I would say about 25% of the time a small business will listen to reason. The big corporate outfits are a little harder to deal with. Although Famous Dave's BBQ did take down all of their "NO GUNS"s signage. That was a month after I started writing them. I am sure I wasn't the only writing them though.
Marcs up here in Ohio backed down in days.. signs up one day, gone within a week.. You can have an affect on at least medium sized businesses.

Frisch's on the other hand....that's another story.
Actually my experience with this has been pretty good, most every business I've addressed has taken the signs down. The only exception to this was Toyota of Plano.

I actually used this place quite a bit and had done around $2,000 a year in business with them over several years no problem. I had been there several times, including carrying a concealed handgun and had never noticed any 30-06 sign prohibiting concealed carry. I was surfing TSRA one day and noticed that they were listed as prohibiting concealed carry. I wrote the manager a note - told him to look at the business I had done with them and gave receipts. I got a reply back confirming that they did prohibit carry and saying they were considering changing it.

I replied back asking him to let me know when it was changed and stating I wouldn't be back until it was. That was 2002 or so?

Considering how open all the other businesses had been over a much smaller amount of business, I had figured this would be a shoe-in. Especially since I couldn't document my spending to these other businesses and I could document it with Toyota of Plano, so they knew exactly what kind of money they would be losing.
Don't know how it is in your state, but in Utah we have to pass an FBI background check that normal sujects(I mean citizens) never go through. I've never failed to mention that little tidbit.
It is a simple thing to make a complaint to a manager and let him know how you feel about this kind of nonsense. It is also good to get your fellow shooters to get in touch with him as well!
I just watched "Dawn of the Dead" (pretty good movie BTW, but why didn't that gun shop guy bust out the .22 LR?) and I noticed at the box office that there are "no concealed weapons on the premises." Of course, criminals gladly follow the rules posted in movie theaters. :rolleyes:
Good luck I have written tons of those letters. I would say about 25% of the time a small business will listen to reason. The big corporate outfits are a little harder to deal with. Although Famous Dave's BBQ did take down all of their "NO GUNS"s signage. That was a month after I started writing them. I am sure I wasn't the only writing them though.

I went in person and told them that I spent a lot of money there in the past year, money that would be spent elsewhere when my wife's family wants to have a big, casual, carnivore-fest until the signs were down.
Ask them to use this sign...


The proper signage MUST be used to indicate "NO Firearms".

IF the owner does not have the proper signage...It don't mean mean spit.

Except, In AR one may NOT carry in some places as per Act 419,like a hospital. So Hospitals will have a generic sign...the sign itself is not legal...Act 419 makes it a NO NO.

Yeah well Resturarnts like Faded Rose whom made a big deal and fought against us CCW to carry...

Everytime a CCW-er entertains business, friends, anniversary, any event... goes out to eat - I suggest they send a copy of the monies spent that DID not make it into the FADED Rose Till...

Got a bud whom sent a talley of around $9k to them, what he spent entertaining folks last year...with a note to that effect...

Yep Folks Got a choice to be stupid.

I got a right not to be.

I see no need to further stupidity by spending money there.
My solution to No weapons signs in any commercial establishment such as Wally World, K Mart, Banks, 7-11s, and the like is, CONCEALED MEANS CONCEALED! assuming your State Statutes do not specifically prohibit carry, (Hospitals, Post Offices, Bars) and the weapon is truly concealed, there is no problem as far as I cam see.
Hey, we make a big deal about being "law abiding," right?

If the sign is up, and we can't legally carry, then concealed don't mean diddly. The sign means "no." If you can still legally carry, regardless of the sign, the sign means "we don't want your money, so spend it elsewhere."

That's it. Period.
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