Anti-gun politician indicted, over 200 guns seized

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Jan 10, 2007
:banghead: I don't even have words for this. I hope this isn't a repost

Like all people charged with federal crimes, Fumo must surrender any guns he owns. In this regard, Fumo is not a typical defendant. A gun collector who has a shooting range in the basement of his home, he owns more than 200 firearms, including machine guns, according to prosecutors.

PA State Sen Vince Fumo (D-Phila) , being indicted and investigated for embezzeling 33 million dollars, who has voted for every piece of anti-gun legislation, voted to renew the AWB for PA, voted against citizens right to carry, voted for a 'one gun a month' law, beats the drum for more and tougher gun laws at every opportunity, had a personal collection of over 200 guns confiscated , many of which are the same he tried to ban.
This guy is a #1 scumbag. Hopefully he'll be the first of many to meet the same fate ... on both sides of the Delaware.
Publically exposed hypocrite, who won't even recognise his hypocrisy. He just KNOWS he's smarter and better than you,and YOU are the blind one for not instantly realizing that!
There ya go. A gun hater in possession of a personal arsenal. How many more of these creatures are out there?
Someone needs to go and post this on the Brady Blogs.

I'll also go and take a wild bet that this story won't even make TV.
He has more than 200 firearms and a firing range in his basement?

Who's not jealous?

Still a dirtbag, though.
guns are like drugs

Making guns illegal will be as effective on crime as making drugs illegal. Basically on every street corner. Anti-gunners should forfiet their right to bear arms... and freedom of speech, and right to assembly, and ...:cuss:
I bet if he ever goes to a range not in his basement, he wears a big fake handlebar mustache, and listens to country, and shouts "die UN soldiers with your black helicopters!111" after each shot, just so nobody recognizes him.
Maybe the scumbag figures his collection is complete so he has no concern for new regulations. I don't like the idea of taking anybody's property, but it would nice to see him lose every single one of those, and then have to abide by EVERY SINGLE THING HE VOTED FOR regardless of whether it passed or not for his future purchases. It'll take him almost 17 years to reacquire that many guns with his "one gun a month" bill alone.
Oh My Gawd

I'm sorry.

This simply cannot get the treatment it deserves on The High Road. And it is beyond my meagre abilities to properly peel the skin from this animal.

Somebody send a copy over to Emperor Misha and another copy to LawDog.

One of them will do all the violent cursing and name-calling for me, and the other will craft the most eloquent bash imaginable.

I am simply not up to either task.
Hmm, he could lose his right to own a firearm based on being convicted of a non-violent white collar crime. Don't seem right no matter what kind of hypocritical scum he is.
Clearly a case where a person believes in privilages rather than freedoms.

And of course, who should be more privilaged than a politician ?
I bet if he ever goes to a range not in his basement, he wears a big fake handlebar mustache, and listens to country, and shouts "die UN soldiers with your black helicopters!111" after each shot, just so nobody recognizes him.

This resulted in uncontrollable fits of laughter. My mental image added a white cowboy hat, bolo tie, wranglers, and a leather vest. Wow.

But anyway, are we really shocked?
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