Anti Gun Propaganda in School Textbooks

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If this is your most serious complaint about the biased content of the textbooks in your child's school, then consider yourself extremely fortunate and appreciate what you have.
Let me pose a question: You recognize gun propaganda for what it is because of your own prior knowledge, but what else in the book is propaganda you don't automatically recognize as such?

That is what worries me. Not to appear as one of those tinfoil hat types, but I always try to think critically about what I am reading, and decide for myself if it seems probable and why. I still wonder though, how many equally bogus things have slipped under my radar?
The real question here ought to be directed to the legality of America's public school system to begin with. There are many who can effectively debate that a public education system itself is unconstitutional. Wish I was one of those people... unfortunately, I'm not. I've heard the arguments before, and they blew me away. Look into it.
If you found this thumbing through the pages and it was not brought up on class, that itself could be more of a reflection on the attitude of the school toward guns. I seriously doubt that the information on firearms was a part of the schools choice to use that particular book. If they didn't bring it up in the curriculum than the school probably has no opinion on the matter or at least is not trying to teach the topic with a bias. There are many more important factors to consider than the slant on firearms when choosing a textbook on health to teach with.
On a similar note, the topic of gun ownership came up recently in my high school criminal justice class and after giving us some stats on murders with firearms the teacher showed us videos (news clips) for and against gun ownership. The pro-gun argument video covered concealed carry and had some big names I recognized and was very comprehensive and convincing. The anti-gun video (that one where they gave college kids fake guns and then had the instructor come and shoot up the classroom, NBC w/ Dianne Sawyer maybe, I forget) was there as a counter argument but the slant the teacher put on it was very pro gun. (in NY of all places) At the end the teacher asked for a show of hands for opinions and pro-gun won by a landslide.
Public School is The Liberals Training Ground!

Funny, I was under the impression that's where we train kids to think like people about thirty years ago because of some sense of authority due to age ... and that's decidedly conservative. But let's not sling around these things, shall we?
this is simple. go to the principal, the supt, and the school board- in that order. go armed with factual information and request that they correct the misinformation or at least present a balanced view of the issue.
complaining about it here ain't gonna change anything.
Yes, I ran for the School Board, and lost. Two the the "Teachers Union Puppets" won. My Son and my brothers children had the benefit of being harassed for my efforts.

That my friends is how they work.
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