Anti-gun roommates?

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Mar 27, 2003
Okay City
Soon I will be moving from my current residence, possibly to an apartment with two friends from high school. One of them is rather indifferent to guns--has the "Just don't shoot me with them" attitude (not asking too much there, I suppose ;) ) He and I have gone shooting before, and he enjoyed using his 10-22 after owning it for nine years and not firing it once. :eek:

However, the conflict arises with roommate #2. He absolutely hates guns. I have great respect for this guy, but... there's just no other way of putting it. I'd really like to be able to store/ display my own firearms after living 1) with parents who cringe at the thought of my interest in guns; and 2) living on campus, where guns aren't allowed anyway. Another factor to consider: the location of the apartment isn't exactly in the nicest area, if ya know what I mean. I want the guns for protection, as well as their aesthetic value. Roomate #1 has both the 10-22 and a non-firing replica flintlock pistol hanging on his bedroom wall, but for some reason this doesn't bother RM #2 much at all. All I've got is a Marlin 60, an SAR-1, and a Winchester 1911SL, not too far off from RM #1's collection. The only big difference is the AK. :banghead:

How should I handle this situation? Should I bring my guns or not? Any help/ suggestions please.:(
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Don't even give RM #2 a say in the matter. Do whatever you want and deal with it only if he makes it an issue. Put the ball in his court by exercising your rights unimpeded, and then if he has a problem with that he'll have to express them.

If you don't run around with loaded weapons in the house, he really has nothing to complain about.

I think your best bet is the out of sight, out of mind technique. When used in combination with the above, how often is the matter going to come up?
He absolutely hates guns. I have great respect for this guy

Maybe I'm shallow, but I can't respect people with irrational hatreds or fears.

If it where me, I'd make sure I had a nice gun safe bolted to the floor and/or wall of my closet and not discuss it with him. As long as you aren't leaving loaded guns around the house I don't see where he has a right to complain.
At the very very least get a locking case or bag. First out respect for your roommate (you're going have to live with him even if people on the internet can, a thousand miles away, tell you to not compromise becuase we don't like his opinion), then if he's the emotional type, you want to keep him OUT of your guns...finally if he has friends over you want to keep them OUT of your stash.
Moving in with someone with such a fundamental difference of opinion is a a mistake.
That sad, store them securely, obey all applicable laws, and prepare for the day when he attempts to get you in trouble for having them.
I had the same living arrangement 22 years ago. Just respect his views as long as he respects yours.

My first consideration these days would be safety first. Keep in mind if it's an apartment many people have access to your living area without your consent and sometomes without your knowledge.

I would opt for a cheap out of sight gun safe or at least gun locker.

Definetly hide the AK, it is the preferred weapon of hood types. Well it certainly has the OOH factor.

As long as niether you or your roommate are fanatics you should be able to live together.

By the way my anti ex roomate is now a competition shooter.
Ditto on the room mate thing. When I had that situation, I bought one of those $99.00 steel gun cabinets from Kmart. It worked well enough to store the firearms I had at the time and other valuables also. He eventually got into shooting a bit, not much, but better than nothing. I guess he got sick of the noise. We could shoot in the back yard.

Offer to take both your roommates shooting. You never know.

You need a locking storage container. Even if it is no more than putting a hasp and padlock on a closet. In an environment like yours, even if both your roomies were pro-gun, I'd say displaying the guns is bad ju-ju. Word, especially about the scary-kewl AK will get around, and you will find yourselves burglarized. College towns have insane rates of theft and burglary.
Your guns are nobody's bidness but your own. Keep them locked up and keep your mouth shut about them. As for the anti-gun roomie, skunkabilly was dead right. You have to live with him, none of us do. If you keep them out of sight and don't insist on sitting in the living room fondling the AK while watching TV, it shouldn't be an issue.
I have an anti for a roommate...

...she's my wife.

Do not display your guns because:

1. more likely to get stolen
2. you are flaunting it in your roommates face

Respect your roommate and he will respect you.

Get a sturdy locker or safe. Discretion and competency are the
traits of the wise gun owner.

Also to reaffirm keeping them out of the old warrior's code, keep them out of sight. Unless cleaning or repairing, but even dry firing I like to do while they're away out of respect. Same with violin practice, sure it's my right and they'll put up with it, but to do my part, I do it while they're gone.

Keeping them out of sight and showing that you're well disciplined goes a lot farther than doing the Tackleberry (or whatever the guy's name was on Poh-lice Academy) and fondling them while people are there. Showing them off like movie stars shows poor discipline.

If we're going to win them over, it's not going to be with a political message, it's proving that we ARE safe and responsible. Even if you don't win them over, being disciplined and respectful at least shows that you are doing your part and that we're not all crazy.

And while others' opinions may differ, I think if your roommate asks if the gun is loaded it IS their business because even if you are the shepherd, their safety (whether they like it) is their business. Of course, I give my Clintonic answer 'No'....of course 'I didn't understand the definition of loaded' (condition 3 in a lockbox) ;)
I'm in college and live in an apt with 2 roommates. I have 2 ARs and 2 handguns in the apt. I've known both guys since freshman year. One has a single barrel 20 guage and a 10/22 in the apt, but is the "I only hunt with them, and what could you possibly want/use those assault weapons for anyway" type. He has no interest in anything tactical about firearms.

The other is a north Jersey liberal, and wants to work for the CIA. He's gladly taken the opportunity to fire my handguns, since he'd never done it before, and will have to do it in the academy/training, but he doesn't really like the idea that the people he'll later be chasing down have the right to be armed.:rolleyes: Oh well. I already told him whats gonna happen when he comes for me.;)

For storage, I bought a Plano hardside metal case. It contains the 2 ARs, and is padlocked shut, and chain locked to the racks in the top of my closet. Its inconspicuous, and would require lock cutters to open. The handguns are kept hidden in the nightstand for SD purposes.

My roommate leans his shotgun and 10/22 against the wall in his room in plain sight.:rolleyes: I'm awaiting the day when the management does a walk through and decides they don't like that very much. Come to think of it, its time to have a talk with him, and I have no idea what the firearms regulations at my apt complex are.
Never had to live with an anti, but would agree and go along with the out of sight out of mind theme.

Skunk- since when did you play the violin? Very cool if you do. :)

I agree there to- handle them when the roommate is not around. It will make them more comfortable.

I agree with the above comments regarding storage.

I would get a safe and keep them in it. Do NOT put them "on display" .
Putting them out "for show" is only an advertisement for them to become stolen. (Either by the neighbors or by people visiting you or your roommates or people who learn of them from your roomates, their friends, or others. You get the idea.) This is not a great neighborhood. Don't make it easy for a BG.

Bottom-line: Keep one handy while you're home, but keep them locked-up when your not there.

Just my two cents.

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