Any open carry jurisdictions?

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Jan 14, 2008
Many localities provide for citizens to obtain concealed carry rights. This is just hypothetical, but do you know of any community that permits open carry (think wild west movies) of firearms?
LAk Supply, do you mean that a guy could walk around Cody with a bandolier and a holster or two of six shooters and no one would mind?
In VA, it is perfectly legal to walk around open carrying. And two six shooters is no exception. All I have ever gotten was some startled looks from people. I try to dress and conduct myself in a professional manner so it is usually does not last.
The only problem with OC I could see is if a robbery or other high-profile crime were taking place, the police might have a mind to take you out thinking you were one of the suspected criminals.
Pennsylvania, except for Philly which requires you to have a license, even if you want to open carry.

Just a hypothetical and all but look at the map...

10 open carry states. Six in the West, three in the East and AK. Notice where open carry is illegal in the Wild West:
Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.

The only problem with OC I could see is if a robbery or other high-profile crime were taking place, the police might have a mind to take you out thinking you were one of the suspected criminals.

Whoa! If you are talking about mass shooting by crazed killers you might take a look at the police response to these events. They can't even handle the bad guy most of the time, much less anybody else standing around in a defensive posture. Knowing the proper actions about what you should do is helpful.
Delaware is an open carry state. Those doing so should be aware that any local ordinances that were in effect at the time that preemption was passed (July 4, 1985) are still in effect and are NOT preempted. Open carry does not yet appear to be a common occurence in Delaware, but the number is increasing.
nosliw said:
I don't think I'd try and walk down the street OC in WA...

Why not? It's legal. I was walking around in Seattle on Saturday openly carrying my Sig GSR cocked and locked.
LAk Supply, do you mean that a guy could walk around Cody with a bandolier and a holster or two of six shooters and no one would mind?

If you need attention that badly, why not just get a bible and a milkcrate and start evangelizing. You'll have all the debate and weird looks you would ever want.
"Why not? It's legal. I was walking around in Seattle on Saturday openly carrying my Sig GSR cocked and locked."

I know it's legal, but people tend to freak out. Seattle isn't exactly pro-gun and I wouldn't want to risk being at Pikes some moron from Evergreen Univ seeing the butt of a gun and start screaming. "He's got a gun!" doesn't go over well in crowded areas.

You know, now that I think of it, I should be carrying openly. Letting what could happen scare me is probably part of the problem.

Do you ever get any comments/funny looks?
PA is An OC state i know a few guys that walk around with open carry. In a lot of the more rural parts no one even thinks about it. like the area i live in people will cal the police but in areas my friends live in it is more uncommon to not be carrying open! I Love It one of the guys i know has been known to carry his Ruger Vaquero open just like the wild west.
If you have a carry permit in Georgia, you're allowed to carry open or concealed. I carry semi-concealed all the time using an OWB holster with a light jacket covering the gun.
nosliw said:
…seeing the butt of a gun and start screaming. "He's got a gun!" doesn't go over well in crowded areas.
Do you ever get any comments/funny looks?

I’ve never had that experience or ever even heard of that happening. A lot of people have this apprehension that people are going to freak out, but they don’t. The worst that has ever happened to my knowledge is someone calls the cops; and sometimes they even respond. I have gotten a few stares, heard some excited mumbling as people passed, but any actual interaction with people who were curious was 100% positive. As a result, the few people who asked were genuinely surprised that open carry is legal and were very supportive. I don’t know that I’ve ever converted anyone towards firearms carry, open or concealed.

I had a run-in with a Tacoma cop yesterday; it seems the security people at the Museum of Glass downtown got a little excited when I traversed their property. The officer asked to see my concealed weapons permit and I refused to give it to him since I wasn’t carrying a concealed weapon. He tried a half-dozen more times to convince me to show it to him and then I’d “be free to go.” I asked if I was being detained and he said no, so I was already free to go. His sergeant spoke to him briefly, they both wished me a good day, and we parted company. I wasn’t told not to come back on museum property and I gave them no identification.
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