Anybody know the 411 on the Taurus Triad?

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Dec 24, 2002
Lilium Inter Spinas
I was excited a few months back to see that Taurus was looking to introduce a new revo that would include the ability to shoot 9mm, .38spl, .38super, and .357mag.

Suddenly, it's no longer on their website, except for some little blurb that says "sorry, we do not have any information about the Triad at this time".

Anyone have better info than that? This seems like it would be a good weapon for a bugout bag, or TEOTWAWKI, and I was willing to consider buying one.

Thanks for any updates,
I've been wondering this too. Someone on a different forum said that he called Taurus and found out that the Triad has been permanently cancelled for some reason. :(

I guess it's going to be the 905 for me then.
Well, the sticky wicket on the 905 is that Taurus apparently discontinued all their 9 mm revolvers. At first, it was only the 9 mm Instant Backup, but the last I heard, the Triad and all 9 mm revolvers were dropped from the product line.
the Triad and all 9 mm revolvers were dropped from the product line.

Well, that's good and bad news at the same time. Now I have that excuse I need to go ahead and get a 905 instead of waiting! :D
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