Anyone carry an ASP Baton?

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Jul 31, 2005
Louisville, KY
I recently got my ASP Baton back from storage. I got it a few years ago because I needed it for auxiliary police work. I remember much of the hands on training I received with it. It has been a few years though, and I cannot remember too many examples they used where the baton was necessary.

During my KY CCDW I learned the following statute:

"Deadly Weapon" means any of the following:
(a) A weapon of mass destruction;
(b)Any weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or other serious physical injury, may be discharged;
(c)Any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife or hunting knife
(d) Billy, nightsick, or club;
(e)Nunchaku karate sticks
(f)Blackjack or slapjack
(g) Shuriken or death star; or
(h)Artificial knuckles made from metal, plastic, or other similar hard material

I'm gathering that in order to carry this, I need the CCDW permit. Now, my question is, if I were to use the baton, is this the same as drawing say my Glock?

During the course, we were taught the baton is both a non-lethal and lethal weapon. Depending on where you were at on the use of force continuum (I have a thread here) you may strike green, yellow or red zones. Here is a helpful chart similar to what I was taught:


One of the ideas they taught us was this: You always remain one level of force higher than your opponent. If he has a fist you have OC. If he has a bat you have a gun, etc.

Can anyone point me to sources that discuss the use of batons in self-defense by a private citizen and resulting legal ramifications?

Such batons are apparently unregulated in GA. While guns are generally very legal here, there are just enough ill- or stupidly-defined restrictions ("public gatherings", "restaurants serving alcohol", etc.) that make continuous legal carry difficult. Between those and having a slightly asthmatic dog (pepper spray could do him in), I often carry an ASP baton. I do so after several years of studying Kali.

Relevance: with training, a baton gives you the full spectrum of options with a single weapon, from simple "I'm armed" counter-threat and "back off" poking, to pain compliance, to breaking stuff, to lethal impacts. Legal ramifications depend on how such batons are addressed in your local law; they're totally legal here in GA, and totally forbidden in NY.

ASP provides courses. The paperwork that comes with the baton INSISTS you take their course. Contact them for your questions.
Nope. Per NC law, I can carry as many handguns as I can conceal on my person, but will go to jail if I carry even one baton. :rolleyes:
Nope. Per NC law, I can carry as many handguns as I can conceal on my person, but will go to jail if I carry even one baton.

the stupidity of that law would.....for some reason would make me carry one.
ok its my rebellious side against stupidity that would make me carry one.
Green Lantern, apparently here in PA I'm in the same boat--carrying a gun (or many guns, which might necessitate a gun rack) is fine, but carrying a baton or a knife, well that is just not acceptable.

Er, no. I'm wrong--in PA, folding knives appear to be okay (just no automatic knives). It's Delaware that makes it a weapons violation, last I checked, to have a knife exceeding 3 inches in length on your person.
I have it next to my seat... just like my FOX spray, it is a less than lethal tool that can help me in court...

My main thought is if acosted at a gas station by a bum.
-You know the type: "What ya gonna do SHOOT ME!"
But when it's an @$$ whoopin... they don't have the same additude.*

*Just observation... not use...

I would not try to extend it in the car... that's what the gas pedal is for.
Why? I carry a gun for that purpose.

it is a less then lethal option, if you can stop the threat with a baton it might be better then shooting.

In CA unless your a licensed security officer or a cop it is a felony.

I'm not sure about NV.
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