Gun Ownership and the 2008 Primaries

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Nah, Goldwater's main problem was like Paul, the media made it their mission to destroy his candidacy. You have to admit, it takes enough spin to push a dragster to 200+mph to make a negative out of...

I agree, but I can still dream. Paul as prez might just help set the country back where it belongs, but I know it is far fetched as Goldwater was.
"I think the puppet on the right hand best represents my views"

"I find the puppet on the left hand more to my liking"

Slim(y) pickings.
Most of America still relies on mainstream TV media to learn from despite the Internet being almost as universal as television as far as access goes, not to mention a very powerful research tool

Until people start thinking for themselves by taking the time to research their decisions and choices, they'll vote based off whatever name they hear the most. Maybe in 10-15 years when the first generation of people that grew up with the Internet matures to voting age, we'll see different trends and how the Internet will start influencing votes more than television.

People can poopoo Ron Paul all they want, but if he stands no chance of winning, I don't get why so many people are dedicating so much time trying to find ways to shoot down an unelectable candidate. Don't you have better things to do, like promoting your own candidate rather than shooting someone else down?
nominate this the "Ron robot" pledge and Eric the founding member of the "Ron robot brigade". lol
I used his inspiration to declare myself a "Ron Robot" in my sig! I recommend all the other "Ron Robots" out there to do the same. Unite, my cybernetic brothers! :D
Giuliani could win the nomination (bleah! :barf:) but not the general election, IMHO. That's because, faced with two equal evils, there will then be no reason for gun-owning Republicans to vote for either, so they'll protest vote or make no votes for presidential candidates. I'm fairly sure that GWB got a mulligan for the presidency because he was the lesser of the two evils, particularly on the issues of taxes (NOT fiscal responsibility :barf:) and guns.
Schweet, I'm Ronbot #... what are we up to now? 9, 10 even? At this rate we'll have Dr. Paul all the way up to 1.5% on some of them thar all-important polls what keep gettin' quoted!

Of course, I guess a candidate doesn't really qualify as "electable" until he makes it over 25% or so, so we still got a long way to go, keep putting the word out there, bots!

Back to the topic, Paul and Huckabee are the only ones I know enough to trust with the 2A. Thompson is of course unimpeachable in that respect, but he's not running, and thus is more unelectable than even that born loser Ron "Bot" Paul.
If we'd stop,think and vote the Constitution & Bill of Rights we'd have far less to be concerned with now wouldn't we? :rolleyes:

Some people don't deserve liberty...
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