Anyone know about travel to Paraguay?

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Jun 19, 2003
Texas Hill Country
I am now on the US Women's National Kayak Polo Squad (it's a combination of water polo, basketball, football and lacrosse, played in kayaks.) We will be traveling to Paraguay in mid-October to compete in the Pan-American Championships.

I have a Texas CHL and am qualified at Marksman in the IDPA, so I'd like to be able to take a pistol for our protection, since Paraguay is a very rough place.

I've tried googling travel to Paraguay with guns, in all sorts of configurations, and checked with Can't find any info.

Can anyone point me to a source for definitive, up-to-date info on whether or not--and how--I can take a pistol and ammo with me to Paraguay? Or not?
I've tried googling travel to Paraguay with guns, in all sorts of configurations, and checked with Can't find any info.

Countries with a history of military juntas dont usually have a good history of gun rights. I wouldnt get your hopes up.
"SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: Paraguay’s customs authority may enforce strict regulations concerning temporary importation into or export from Paraguay of items such as firearms, medications, toys resembling weapons, or protected species. It is advisable to contact the Paraguayan Embassy in Washington, D.C. or one of Paraguay's consulates in the United States for specific information regarding customs requirements."

"There are strict regulations against the temporary importation into or export from Paraguay of items such as firearms, medications, toys resembling weapons, or protected species."

It seems that the best source of information would be Paraguay's embassy or consulate.

By the way, congratulations on making the Team and good luck in competition!
Go to the nearest consulate ask, "Hey, who wants $1000 so I can take some guns down there?"

Dollars to donuts you'll get an answer.:D
ArmedBear has it right. Inquire about a "special permit", and what the "fee" is.

"Can you and I work together to find the right person to accept a fee for a weapons permit?"
Just remember...

Latin-American etiquette is different. Promptness is not valued like it is here, but friendly manners and social niceties are. Do not get pissed off if you sit in the consulate for a few hours, waiting.

And NEVER, ever let yourself get so frustrated that you blurt out, "Okay, just tell me who I have to blow to get this paperwork done!" because you really don't want to hear the answer.
Thanks for the tips, y'all!

ArmedBear--Uh, I don't talk like that anyway (offering to "blow" anyone, since I am a married lady), so no worries on that one!

Yeah, I know...they run on manana time, and you're expected to be polite and nice about it.
Oh, I'm a married man, so I'm not in any position to offer my services to another man, either!:p (Or woman, of course.)

I neglected to look and see that you're from Texas, so you know the score.

A lot of Americans don't. Sometimes the results are funny, sometimes they're downright ugly, but they're never pretty, as you know.:)
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