ar15 problems

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Aug 15, 2009
I have two ARs. One is a PWA and the other a factory colt. I just put on two sets of KNS anti walk anti rotate pins. In the PWA they seem to work fine. but I put the other set in the Colt and noticed that when I charged the bolt back it would lock up going forward. I had to pull the trigger and at the same time pull the bolt back and then release it with trigger pulled to get it to go into battery. I removed the pins and put back in the old set and the bolt worked fine again. The Colt is a 96 made with 800 rounds through it. I think the pins are a bit small for the colt and allow the hammer to rise just a bit to lock up the bolt. I put them in exactly like instructed with the anti rotate pin going into the hammer [the pin with ears]

The other problem I have is that I have four mags 20 rounds each a colt mag that over strips rounds on three mags. All of the problem mags are all plastic followers and all the mags are colt. The two with aluminum followers seem to work OK. Has anyone had this problem and is there a fix? The mags are good except for this. Is there a stronger spring that can make them work ok? Or maybe new followers?
You might have a large pin Colt. I think your Colt's holes are .170 and the standard is .154
Yeah, i don't remember exactly when Colt made the switch, but the older ones had larger pin holes.
That makes sense. So would the difference make the hammer bind up the bolt?
Yes, it could. The rifle probably won't operate properly either. Take the undersized pins out. Not to get off on a tangent, but why anti-roll pins. Those are just another one of those products that are a solution looking for a problem.
Your second paragraph about your magazine and/or feeding problem in not understandable.

You may want to explain the issue more clearly if you want replies attempting to help.
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