Are there any "accurate" modern TV shows?

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as it is set in Montana it's a GIVEN that everyone is armed.
Um, actually, Wyoming (where there's a lot less Hollywood types buying up ranches and sponsoring film festivals).

grabs a Sig Sauer pistol from his vault, loads a full magazine, racks the slide and then, get ready for this.... He DECOCKS it.
Yeah, an amazingly, almost freakish bit of accuracy in a major motion picture ...

To respond to the OP, I don't believe the answer is anything more than a resounding NO.

Even "Blue Bloods" (mentioned in an early post in this thread) with purported 2A stalwart Tom Selleck has demonstrated (1) its writers have virtually no gun knowledge and (2) the underlying philosophy that guns are best left only in the hands of the police, who presumably know better.

ALL the "Law & Order" episodes displayed staunchly anti-gun writing.
However, I will say this, a law abiding citizen lawfully carrying a firearm as the basis for a primetime action show would be boring. Accurate, but boring. Entertainment is wrong more often than not, fantasy over reality by design.
I don't know. I think they could have done it with Revolution, or whatever the name of that show was where the power grid went down. They could have done it right.

Ultimately, thinking that a media outlet that is so vehemently antigun as our major networks would allow anything that doesn't follow lockstep with their agenda is probably overly optimistic.

Then again, there's Duck Dynasty...
Anyone else love Last Man Standing? I'm amazed the libs haven't managed to get it cancelled yet.
Chekov's Gun ('s_gun) basically keeps almost everything not relevant to the plot out of the show. Basically:
"If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don't put it there."
While it's good writing, it's bad for our side, since the only time a gun will be shown is if it's important to the drama, not just because it's normal for people to own a gun.

... at least if you mean anything besides the occasional documentary.

jm, sans a television since 1997

No offense but how can you judge this issue without even owning a TV? Again, while parts of the show are hokey and made up, the program "Swamp People" shows guns used effectively and often by people making a living hunting (or fishing) for alligators. They have made some mistakes but for the most part they are pretty accurate in portraying how rifles are used. They do show alligators being shot from a distance too and that's no easy feat. They only stick their heads up out of the water and you have to shoot a small size spot on their head from the right angle or it won't kill the gator. They claim the sweet spot on the gator is about the size of a quarter. I'm no alligator hunter but if that part is true, and judging by the other things I see on the show it probably is, then they have some marksmen using those guns. Plus even the close up shots are taken on gators that are fighting to get away and thrashing around considerably. Yet they still manage a good hit on the first try most of the time.

The people are shown as fairly hokey but I'm sure they found people like that in the swamps. There are certainly people like that in hillbilly land (where I've lived most of my life). Heck I grew up doing a lot of the things they describe except the things that deal with alligators. They use jugs to catch fish for example which is a common practice where I grew up. We also used fish traps, trot lines, nets, and did some noodling which is way more crazy than grabbing a gator that's on a line. You never know what you're getting into when noodling. I've seen them catch gar on the show and although I never fished for gar I was harassed by them in the river that runs by our farm. They will stick that toothy head out of the water and circle you especially if you're alone. I had that experience when I was about 11. And as much of a hillbilly as I am I know people that are far more so. I know people that have made their living trapping for at least 50 years that I can attest to. And while we did considerable fishing we did far more hunting than they do. Back in the 1980's when coon fur was bringing big money we spent 3 or 4 nights a week in the woods taking coons. Then of course there was quail, rabbit, squirrel, deer, turkey, dove, grouse hunting and no doubt some others I just ain't thinking about. Plus there was my favorite of all, frogging. I've seen the people on Swamp People do that too.

So IMO that show is pretty dang true to life. In my area there have been record breaking catfish caught with jugs. And muskie fishing is big business in a lake not far from where I live. I grew up around people a lot like those Swamp People only we went after what was in our area. And I don't see a lot of misinformation on that show.
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