Arizona IHOP displaying gun buster sign

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Wile E Coyote

Nov 21, 2008
Noticed a local IHOP with a 'no weapons' aka victims-only sign at the entrance. I googled and also searched THR, coming up empty with my answer.
Anyone familiar with the scope of this policy? I.E. company-wide vs. district vs single restaurant?
Do you have a local 2A-rights organization?

In Colorado, when this happens, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners writes a professional letter and informs the establishment that their X number of members will boycott the establishment begining in X days should the sign remain up.

It must work, because I've never seen one of these signs in the entire time I've lived here.

If you don't, just do what you're doing here. Spread the word, and let IHOP know why you won't be spending a cent there.
Hadn't considered a local pro 2a angle just yet. I will now, though.
This is a small town, but if by chance there is an active local group, it's likely on their radar already.
You are right about not spending a cent there: Haven't been back since I noticed the sign several months ago. Now i just need to know on what level at IHOP do I voice my opinion to be most effective.
Thanks for your input.
You might try talking to the folks at as well. If the Arizona forum is anything like the Washington one, there should be people willing to do something.
Don't know about your local cafe.

I took my bride's Granny Van in for service and there was a 'No Firearms Alowed' signage on the door. This signage was part of the days/hours of operation info and where the key drop was located.

I asked the Service Mgr about it. He pretty much replied that it was a win/win situtation as the sign wasn't valid (I knew that) and, if it made ALL of his customers happy, it was a good thing.

I don't know about required signage for other states.

Noticed a local IHOP with a 'no weapons' aka victims-only sign at the entrance. I googled and also searched THR, coming up empty with my answer.
Anyone familiar with the scope of this policy? I.E. company-wide vs. district vs single restaurant?

I've never seen such a sign on any IHOP anywhere ... and I go there once a month or better.
What deltaboy said. If Arizona has a law like Texas does and the sign is not valid, just ignore it. Also, I've never seen a sign like that on any IHOP in Texas.
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