Armed Citizen Intervenes

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Ah! Now we are getting back to the facts in this thread!

Look, we can come up with any fantasy we want to justify our actions.

While I agree one must use caution when intervening in a situation, that doesn't automatically mean you mustn't. That is why I keep trying to drag us back to the facts in this story.

The police lauded Mr. Dosser as a hero. If you have a problem with his actions, then explain what they are.

We can all come up with some story that proves some point, but what do they have to do with this case?

If I see someone in trouble, I am going to help if I can. That may be calling the police, that may be shouting at the perceived bad guys (or gals), that may mean physically intervening without the use of deadly force, or the use of it, as I perceive the situation requires. Only I can make that determination, because I am the one there, not you, not the police, not the judge or jury, but me! I will let them judge my actions, but I can only act as I see fit.

I believe we have a duty as members of Civil Society to render aid to people who are in dire need of aid. Somebody facing serious assault certainly fits that definition in my opinion. That aid may come in various forms, but I believe that it is a duty I am required to provide. I will not willingly sit back and watch someone being raped or killed!

Yes there are risk involved in intervening! It behooves me to do my best to ascertain the facts as best I can, so I don't act in a reckless or illegal manner. But If I determine help is required, I must decide best how to render it, and then do my best to provide it.

If you have useful tips about how to make said determination, fine, I want to hear them, but a blanket statement about not getting involved is not useful, nor is brining up unrelated cases without enough details to mean anything. I really doubt that there are that many cases of women being subdued by plain clothes cops where it is impossible to ascertain what is going on. For example, I would ask what is going on, giving the plains clothed officer a chance to identify himself, before I pulled out my gun and shot him.:rolleyes:
That is only common sense.
The fact that someone may have nothing to lose does not justify his or her putting the lives of innocents at risk.

Should someone believe otherwise, and intend to draw in circumstances other than those in which his own safety is endangered in the gravest extreme, that someone should put his firearm away securely.

Are you claiming that one has no right to defend the life of others?!

I believe that most State and Federal Laws allow one to use deadly force to defend the life of others!

Even when it is not explicitly allowed by statute law, Common Law accepts the defense of the life of others.

I think you need to step back and think about what you posted. You may be getting over wrought.
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