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Arrest Warrant Sought for Rep. McKinney

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As for what defense she might use; perhaps the Zsa Zsa Gabor defense. That one worked pretty good did it not?

Beyond her lefty politics, race card playing, and grassy knoll conspiracy attitudes, she lacks class.
Yes; pressing Comrade Rumsfeld at a press conference for answers in writing concerning the question of whether there were, or were not, hijacked-planes-flying-into-buildings-drills on September 11th, 2001, as well as issues of a triflling $2.7 trillion missing from the Pentagon accounts etc definately reflects a lack of class. I mean sending Comrade Rumsfeld into stutters and prolonged facial contortions on camera is not a class political act.

Having "class" in current political "right" and "left" circles means being a co-operative dunce, and only asking the right questions limited within certain parameters ;)


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She's playing the race card because she lacks the moral fortitude that most everyone else in this country lacks.

When you screw up, instead of admitting the mistake, you blame everyone else instead.
Being black gives her the perfect excuse of playing the racial issue.
Add to that the, "do you know who I am" attitude and its a perfect example of mainstream political office protocol.

Why is it so hard for people to admit they screwed up, apologize and go on with life?
feedthehogs said:
When you screw up, instead of admitting the mistake, you blame everyone else instead.

Sadly, this seems to be their modus operandi; let us hope she is quickly arrested and held to account for her lack of responsibility.
Picture the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in the same circumstance. Or Rosa Parks. I'm guessing neither of them would have reacted the way Rep. McKinney did.

Even if it was blatant racism on the officer's part, her reaction to it is still unjustified.
McKinney refuses to wear her Congressional ID pin. How could anyone find fault with the LEO for stopping her after she avoided going through the metal detector while showing no ID? Then she has the nerve to hit the LEO. Bad move. Never hit an LEO.
She should be fined for hers, she looks more like a crazed street person then a politician

There's nothing wrong with her hair. Just because it doesnt conform to whatever idea of good looks that you have, doesnt mean there's something wrong with it.

With that said, She's still pretty stupid for pulling the race card out of nowhere. :fire:
Okay, I showed the pic in question to 20 women at the office, more than half of them A-A. They all though she was having a real bad hair day. A reeeeal bad day.

OTOH, I agree that there's nothing wrong with her hair, it just looks like mine when I get up in the morning and don't comb or brush it.

crazed_ss said:
There's nothing wrong with her hair. Just because it doesnt conform to whatever idea of good looks that you have, doesnt mean there's something wrong with it.

While we as citizens are all free to arrange our hair to our liking, this Representative in Congress should have the respect and decorum to dress acceptably, act with dignity, and adopt hair styles more generally accepted, not try to resemble a used scrubbing brush. While I accept your premise of freedom, there is this socially-accepted idea of acting like ladies and gentlemen in civilized society. If McKinney doesn't accept that premise, maybe just maybe she shouldn't have run for Georgia Representative and accepted the job. As a Representative of the good citizens of Georgia she has an obligation, repeat, obligation to act like a lady rather than a used scrubbing brush.

It was this appearance, which in addition to her irresponibility of neglecting to wear her official lapel pin as a duly elected Representative, that led police to question her and rightly so. Her assault of the Capitol policeman should be due grounds for her prompt arrest. A private citizen would have been in jail already for like conduct.
With that said, She's still pretty stupid for pulling the race card out of nowhere.

Personally, I think that she is doing a serious disservice to anyone who is really the victim of racism (e.g. Cory Maye, also an armed self-defense case -- he sits on death row for defending his baby daughter).


It's the old "cry wolf" story. The problem is that SHE won't be the one who suffers as more and more people stop listening. Her constituents will, but that just gives HER more power. Yuck.
Her constituents will, but that just gives HER more power. Yuck

So we know who the REAL idiots are, the ones that keep electing this nutcase.

Who in their right mind would vote for this person?
While we as citizens are all free to arrange our hair to our liking, this Representative in Congress should have the respect and decorum to dress acceptably, act with dignity, and adopt hair styles more generally accepted, not try to resemble a used scrubbing brush.

Ok.. I'm not sure if you're aware, but blacks have different hair than whites. Our hair is extremely curly.. some refer to it as "Nappy". Now it is quite possible for McKinney to use curling irons or chemicals to straighten her hair for a more "acceptable" look, it isnt very healthy for our hair and scalp. You may be used to seeing blacks with with straight hair, but that's because society has told us that's what is beautiful. I think it's BS. We shouldnt have to damage ourselves to conform. If my hair looks like a scrubbing brush or brillo pad, then oh well.. that's how God made me.. if you dont think it isnt respectable of lacks dignity, then that's your problem.
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I think it's hard not to agree with crazed_ss on the hair issue. Why do so many people resort to insulting this woman's appearance? It's completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand whether you think her hair or clothes or whatever looks bad. If you're trying to make a valid point about how her behavior is inappropriate, you marginalize your argument by also including personal jabs at her appearance IMO.

I believe McKinney is a self-serving, egoistic excuse for a congressman. It seems pretty clear -- despite her incomprehensible press conferences -- that she's crying "RACISM!" to turn attention away from her own potentially felonious behavior. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if the capitol police officer in question is racist, and doesn't like Ms. McKinney. The racist part I don't get, but the not liking McKinney part I can certainly understand. But unless this officer did in fact touch her inappropriately (e.g., grabbed her breast), then she apparently responded to the situation in a completely inappropriate and illegal manner that she should be embarassed and ashamed of. Watching her press conferences though, she is clearly neither ashamed of nor apologetic for her actions. Either she's lying to cover her actions, she's deluded enough to think her response was warranted, or she's right and the officer did something very wrong. The tape might tell. Where's the tape already?
Grand Jury to Investigate McKinney Matter

Grand Jury to Investigate McKinney Matter
http://www.cnsnews.com/ThisHour.asp#Grand Jury to Investigate McKinney Matter

(CNSNews.com) - A grand jury has been convened to investigate Rep. Cynthia McKinney's (D-Ga.) alleged assault on a Capitol Police officer, Fox News reports. A staffer for Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.) who reportedly witnessed the interaction has been subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury, according to Fox News.
I think McKinney was the first one to bring up her hair.
She mentioned changing her hairstyle in January in one of the first interviews she did after the alleged assault. I think she also talked about in one of her hysterical press conferences.

If she hadn't done that, maybe it wouldn't be mentioned so often.

I know of a guy who slugged a cop and wasn't charged.
The difference is that the deputy walked up on two guys fighting and touched one. The guy spun around, thinking he was being attaced from behind, and slugged the deputy in the chest.
As soon as he saw who it was he quit fighting and apologized.

The cop let it slide.
Too bad the Honorable Rep. McKinney didn't follow a similar path, eh?
from drudgereport.com headlines. You have to sign in to read the complete article.

"NEWLY HIRED BODYGUARD THREATENS REPORTER: 'I'm going to put your ass in jail. I'm a police officer... I work for Miss McKinney...' "
McKinney apologizes for scuffle with officer

Rep. Cynthia McKinney apologized on the House floor Thursday for a confrontation with a Capitol Police officer last week.

"There should not have been any physical contact in this incident," McKinney said.

"I am sorry that this misunderstanding happened at all, and I regret its escalation and I apologize," she said surrounded by colleagues on the House floor.

She said she would vote for a resolution expressing support for the efforts of Capitol Police.

McKinney's apology came as a District of Columbia grand jury began hearing testimony Thursday related to the confrontation, sources said.

A decision on whether the Georgia congresswoman will be charged could come as early as next week, federal law enforcement sources said.

More at CNN
She did not apologize. Misunderstanding? She broke the rules. Her so called apology was very ambiguous. Was the contact hers or the police? She has not apologized for creating the situation and then escalating it.
Her hair is nasty, she is nasty, the race card is stupid. She should be locked up pronto. He did a fine job in keeping a very important place secure.
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