Assault wep bans and spare parts in the future?

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Dec 31, 2010
So say they pass a ban on assault weapons. Down the road if I need a new bolt or a barrel etc would it still be illegal to obtain those parts?

I'm hoping it doesn't come to that but I was planning on building my brother a AR for college graduation so couldn't decide if I should order some extra parts or not.
If anyone could define what this feared Assault Weapon Ban supposedly is going to look like, maybe we could answer with an educated guess.

No federal ban before has made guns that were owned before illegal, nor any replacement parts for guns. In fact the last AWB was so anemic as to ALMOST prevent nothing of substance.

Now BATFE rulings have made some things more complicated, in that it is no longer lawful to import barrels of military style weapons with the parts kits, but that does absolutely nothing to the domestic market.

Basically, if your big worry is availability of parts -- it's probably not worth the worry.
Regardless of other considerations, relax. 3-d printing of metal, like MIM parts, is a-comming. So short of barrels perhaps, many parts -- even for obscur or rare guns - will be printable on demand at a local machine shop---above or below ground as it might be!

But of course, buy spares in advance. Bolts aren't likely to break--but firing pins, extractors, and so on may. Get the small parts to rebuilt your bolt and you will be way ahead for most guns. Just my take. That and buy your weapons in pairs when possible.
No federal ban before has made guns that were owned before illegal, nor any replacement parts for guns. In fact the last AWB was so anemic as to ALMOST prevent nothing of substance.

Really? $100 or more for normal capacity Glock magazines sure felt lit something of substance at the time. Maybe you are rich and unaffected by price.
Yeah, true. But you could get them. It wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't a very effective BAN, either.
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