Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire - Documentary

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I'm trying to get a libertarian-leaning radio show host on KIRO news radio here interested in interviewig Kris. If anyone knows of a way to get further exposure or spreading the word on other forums, its worth a shot. Kris Koenig has done several interviews in the past with pro-gun radio shows.
^^ Thanks Eric ^^

We were hoping that some deep-pocket finance types would have shown themselves by now to help us carry this film to the finishing line, but no such luck. Therefore, the crew and I have decided to return to Kickstarter to raise the funds needed to complete the film and take it to theaters by March to be part of the “conversation” while congress debates our 2nd Amendment rights.

Yes, theaters!

Using a similar distribution plan used by the recent film 2016, we’re going to self-promote and distribute the film in major US cities “art house” cinemas. With strong positive reviews, we will then secure traditional distribution. Once the theatrical release is completed, we will then distribute a TV edit to PBS/PTV affiliates for broadcast. Netflix and web streaming will follow by the end of spring.

What happened to the funds from the first round? In the 90 days since receiving $64,000 from Kickstarter (yes, they take a commission!), we hit the road and conducted 50+ interviews and gathered some great footage. Our travels took us up and down California, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Florida and Louisiana. Expenses included t-shirts, hats, insurance, salaries, fuel, lawyers, hotels, airfare and food. We also covered the small loans that carried us from May to October when we were developing the concept for this film.

Now we will recharge the till, set the editor and his crew to work and craft the film that is needed now more than ever. We hope that each of you will consider another donation to our film to help us communicate the importance of “we the people” and the right to “keep and bear arms”.

Please donate here -

Hey Kris, if you don't hear from KIRO, try reaching out to them. They have a gal that runs their social media as an intermediate so maybe she didn't pass on the word. It might be more compelling to reach out to the Dori Monson Show directly at at their producer is Jake. Direct email dmonson AT bonneville DOT com and I believe (888) 973-KIRO (5476) . Might mean mire than an anonymous person like me asking they contact you. I'm not sure exactly how the process works for arranging interviews. Seattle and the lifetime sound metropolitan area has a large listenership. For everyone else out there in a large metropolitan area, try contacting local shows to see if they're interested in an interview.
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In the spirit of reviving the thread, I noticed some of my ATF numbers were off on pistol manufacturing numbers was off due to misinterpretation on a much earlier post when this thread was just started. I'm sure the crew has combed over the numbers and corrected them.

There are some additional useful resources, however. Now with all the school shootings, we have the following data which shows school violence (assault, aggravated assault, theft, rape, sexual assault, etc) have been steadily going down since they kept records. Gun-related school deaths, while disturbing, are also very low historically. NOAA shows for many of those years, lightning strike deaths exceeded those of school shootings. Schools are some of the safest places in America, despite fearmongering from either side that armed guards are needed or that guns need to be banned. The following are government figures:
Table 1.2. Number of school-associated violent deaths of students, staff, and nonstudents, by type: School years 1992–93 to 2009–10

Table 2.1. Number of nonfatal victimizations against students ages 12–18 and rate of victimizations per 1,000 students, by type of victimization, location, and year: 1992–2010

Percentage of schools with various security measures, by school control and selected characteristics: 2007-08

The violent crime rate per 100,000 residents in 1992 was 758. In 2012, it's 386. It's been steadily dropping, right through the 1994-2004 assault weapons ban without any deviation. Not just gun crime, but rapes, robberies, assaults, property crime, and car thefts.

Someone on the forum also posted links to several government-funded studies that showed no useful or measurable differences were made by the AWB. Unfortunately my Google-Fu is weak but perhaps someone will come along and repost them or I can dig it up in the meantime, or you've uncovered those already.
Here is our Kickstarter update for Week #1

It’s been one week since we launched this campaign and we want to thank each of you for your early support. The fact that each of you believes in what we are doing is more important than your donations, but we need your pledges and more to complete this film.

Entering into the post-production process for me is a love-hate proposition. On one hand it means we’re closing in on a finished product and on the other, it means hours of writing, debating with Anita and the voices in my head to hammer out a script for the editor to begin his work. I am proud to tell you that we have crafted a solid story arc and are now combing the transcripts to find those interview bites that will drive our film. History, laws, engineering, stories of oppression, individual triumph and the roots of American culture all mixed up in a recipe of visuals and sounds to convey one of the most important civil rights we have – the right to bear arms.

A couple of weeks ago, I was having dinner with some friends at the SHOT show. One of them turned to me while we were eating and said that I was either a genius or damned lucky to have this film nearly completed. Well, I don’t think of myself as a genius, and I know many who would agree with that statement, but I do feel incredibly lucky to be able to bring this story, our story, to the screen when it needs to be seen the most. With a little more luck and your support, we’ll deliver this film in 60 days.

To make this deadline, I need to ask for your continued help. Please share the link to Kickstarter campaign with your friends and ask them to join us to make this film a reality.

Thank you,

Wow! Our Kickstarter campaign had a $6,670 rally yesterday. That puts us just shy of $15,000 and 20% of our goal with 15 days to go.

This is the week to push forward to our target. Please let your friends and family know that we need their support to complete this important film.

Share the link -

Thank you,

Bumping this. 11 days to go and not even $20,000 raised for a project that can influence millions.

The initial Kickstarter campaign to pay for the actual filming was barely successful and that was BEFORE all this political stirring in December. Did everyone spend their money on $3000 Bushmasters? I'm actually kind of ashamed since this is a post-Sandy Hook world with threats of gun bans and most gun owners are screaming about gun rights but doing very little in the way of joining the NRA or giving Kris' project a contribution.

In the first round, most of the finding came from Calgun members doubling and tripling down, and it barely made it with no AWB scare. Now we have the potential of getting a PRO-2A film shown on PBS, Netflix and in theaters...something no one else has ever accomplished, let alone by a resume belonging to an Emmy-award winning scientific documentary maker. Writing emails and making phone calls might influence politicians, but changing the general public's mind and educating them with an unbiased documentary is just as important as these are the same people who might be calling their politicians right now and asking them to ban assault weapons, which nullify your voices.

If anyone has followed his thread on calguns, Kris pretty much tells everyone he burned all his bridges at PBS and his media connections. Kris is a radioactive hot potato and no one wants anything to do with him now because he broke the code of liberalism by working on an unbiased project that shows the second amendment in a positive light. He quite possibly terminated his own career working on this project.

Kris, do you have anyone working your social media? Can you reach out to anyone on reddit's /r/guns/ that would get it promoted? Reddit is a wasteland of trolls but the /guns subforum is very active and has a large viewership. Have you tried plugging the project elsewhere? You have nothing to lose, so I'd try hitting the largest volume forums on the Internet, places like AR15, SomethingAwful, IGN, all the various car and auto forums like Honda-Tech, NASIOC, Bimmerforums...heck even 4chan. Simply any place that might have a viewing audience. If you can even fish 0.1% from each of those places, it might be enough. There is nothing to lose at this point with shameless self-promotion. Seems like you're not getting any traction here. You need to hit a lot of sources and bet on some luck for it to reach the right eyes to stand a chance of going viral.

If it's not too late, you might want to revise the original Title of your thread and call it something more along the lines of "Fundraising help needed for Pro-2A documentary" because I have a feeling a lot of people are glossing over this thread because it doesn't sound like the OP is asking for support.

Here is a list of completed interviews to date that Kris and crew have interviewed:

Gun Rights Advocates:
Alan Gottlieb
Gene Hoffman
Kenneth Blanchard
Nicole Stallard
Phillip Journey
Robert Weist
Sheldon Clare
Donald Moran
Tomas Boyer

Firearm Users – Deadly Force
Donna Hopper
Jeanne Assam

Alan Gura
Adam Winkler
Bobbie Ross
Eugene Volokh
Don Kilmer
Kevin Thomason
Kathleen Jackson
Gordon Hutchinson
Gary Kleck
Massad Ayoob

Gun Personalities/Media
Chris Cheng
Emily Miller

Ted Lieu
Anthony Portantino

Law Enforcement Officer
Ed Monk
Liz Boyer

Gun Control Advocates
Laurie Saffian

Jeff Knox

Darin Prince
David Christian
Michael Penhall
Alan Samuel

District Attorney
Mike Ramsey

Gun Owner
Randy Spade

Foreign Observer
Michael Lipscombe

First Time Shooters (UCLA students)
Charlie Sarosy
Jonathon Townsend
Katie Mcachen

New Orleans Gun Confiscation Victims
Pattie Konie
Jo Anne Guidos
Wayne Schum
Richard Styron

Man in the Street
Andy Miller
Richard Bordin
Renee Boyd
Mike Ross
Patrick McClure
Leo Weiss
Steve Joiner
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Yo, guys. The minimum funding is a dollar. He needs $70K to finish the film.

He's got less than $20K pledged right now, with only 11 days left.

Everybody pitch in the price of a box of ammo at least.
Be aware that the link from the first page of this thread is the first Kickstarter project, which is the shooting cost. That one is closed. And it was successful.

This Kickstarter is for final production and distribution, and it's now down to ten days and at far less than 25%. The movie is no good in the can.

The link is a few posts up.
This is the new link.

I hope OP can update the original post. It's only 31% funded with 10 days to go. At current trends, it's going to fail miserably. 4 million NRA members and 50+ million households with guns and we can't even raise $70k?
I pledged $25.

$25 is a lot of money to me, I realize what it's like to have a low income.
But I often see on these gun forums that people have no problem buying 3 or 4 cases of ammo at a time or spending a grand on a rifle.

If you can do that, I'm sure you can donate just $10 to something that could help educate people about firearms and possibly help preserve the 2nd Amendment.

If we don't fight and win now, future generations won't even realize what has been lost.

Link again:
Hey, $25 from the heart is far better than not donating $100 from someone to whom it doesn't matter.

I appreciate it, and I'm not even associated with the film. In fact, until a couple of days ago I had completely ignored this thread. (What a dummy!)
Mods, please do something to help this thread out. The thread title isn't compelling, and the very first post on the last page is:

I made the mistake of going to the kickstarter site and saw that it was "FUNDED".

I think this is something that a lot of our members would get behind, but the fact that this is a very important project that drastically needs our help is very easy to look over in this thread.
Maybe move it to activism with a better title.

Can someone start another one in activism? Is that forbidden?
First, I want to thank everyone for their support. Anita and I are a bit overwhelmed with trying to complete the script and drive this second campaign so we haven't had the time to visit the board as much as we would like to. I would also like to thank Cesiumsponge for covering our backs here on The High Road. Finally, all the donations that have been coming in - yes, everything helps.

We have had less than a third of the original backers have participate in this second campaign, so we have a lot of hope that we will reach our goal if we can all reach out to our friends and encourage them to help us fund this very important film.

I'll try to change the title of the thread and stir the pot.

Donate here:

BTW, any social media gurus want to help our film, please let me know.


It might be best to start a brand new, proper thread so all the outdated info and outdated thread title is no longer an issue.
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