Assisted Opener Ban - Update: Action Needed

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Staff member
Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN
Those of you that have paid attention to the threads on the attempt by Customs to reclassify your assisted opening pocket knives as switchblades know that people all over the country wrote, faxed, emailed and called in to complain.

An amendment to the federal switchblade law was introduced as part of the Homeland Security funding bill that would specifically exclude assists and one hand openers from being classified as switchblades.

Now we need the House to go along and specifically the following Congresscritters on the DHS Appropriations Committee need to be called and faxed by everyone encouraging them to keep Senate Amendment 1447 in the final bill. Keep your call POLITE, SHORT and TO THE POINT! Do NOT ramble, do NOT discuss any other issues. Just say that you wanted them to know that you support Senate Amendment 1447 and want them to keep it.

Here's how to find them, .
David R. Obey (D-WI)
David E. Price (D-NC)
Jose E. Serrano (D-NY)
Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX)
C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD)
Alan B. Mollohan (D-WV)
Nita M. Lowey (D-NY)
Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA)
Sam Farr (D-CA)
Steven R. Rothman (D-NJ)
Jerry Lewis (D-CA)
Harold Rogers (D-KY)
John R. Carter (D-TX)
John Abney Culberson (D-TX)
Mark Steven Kirk (D-IL)
Ken Calvert (D-CA).

On September 16th Knife Rights participated in a lobby day on Capitol Hill, along with representatives of the American Knife and Tool Institute, the NRA and the Congressional Sportsmen Foundation. Representing Knife Rights were Doug Ritter, Pete Brownell and Jason Kunkler (from ). While it was an exhausting, and at times frustrating, experience, it was clearly beneficial that House Committee and Member staff heard from us why it was so important to retain the Senate Amendment 1447 in the final Homeland Security Appropriations bill. I am confident that had we not made this effort, we might not succeed in the end.

As for that, we are all still waiting. We remain cautiously optimistic, but it isn't a done deal by any means.

Today, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) indicated on the floor that he hoped to have the DHS Appropriations Conference Committee report on the House floor next Thursday. That is no guarantee, but at least gives notice of what they are aiming for.

Also today, the Speaker of the House appointed House Conferees for the DHS Appropriations bill.

If any of the Representatives below represent your district or you are from their state, please contact them immediately and ask them for their support to keep Senate Amendment 1447 in the final bill. If you operate a business that is involved in the knife industry or if knives are an integral part of your business' or employee's operations or activities, tell them that this amendment protecting assisted opening knives is critical to your business. Keep your call POLITE, SHORT and TO THE POINT! Do NOT ramble, do NOT discuss any other issues. This call should take no more than a minute or two, total, except for any time on hold. If you cannot follow these simple rules, please don't call. Again, keep your call POLITE, SHORT and TO THE POINT!

At this point, PHONE Calls are BEST, FAX next, emails last. You can call their local district office; you don't necessarily have to contact the D.C. office.

You can find your Representative's web site with office phone numbers at:

DHS Appropriations Committee Conferees:

David R. Obey (D-WI)
David E. Price (D-NC)
Jose E. Serrano (D-NY)
Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX)
C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD)
Alan B. Mollohan (D-WV)
Nita M. Lowey (D-NY)
Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA)
Sam Farr (D-CA)
Steven R. Rothman (D-NJ)
Jerry Lewis (D-CA)
Harold Rogers (D-KY)
John R. Carter (D-TX)
John Abney Culberson (D-TX)
Mark Steven Kirk (D-IL)
Ken Calvert (D-CA)

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