ATF stats on "illegal" guns in NYC

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I think Hairless is a clone. It's the only way he can be in so many places at once.
If you guys hate your guns then vote Guiliani, Romney, Clinton or Obama. If you want these pathetic agencies to come to an end. Vote Ron Paul.
Since when is it the duty of BATFE to monitor the flow of guns into NY state? Isn't that NY state's problem?

My guess is that flow of guns (or any other product) into or out of a state is intestate commerce. Within a state is a different issue.

It would be interesting to know these stats about other states or metropolitan areas. Anybody have any references for others states or big cities?

IIRC, after you apply for a handgunpermit in NYC, you have to wait 2 years to be told NO!!! Since the Police Chief has disctretion, he uses his discretion to say no, almost everytime. You see, back when Lloyd Bentsen was Treasury Secretary, he was alarmed that some "evil potential illegal gun possessors" were applying for FFL's in order to bypass the city's draconian (essential gun ban) permit process. That's when Bentsen and Clinton started their Federal Firearms License Holder Harassment Program, which, unfortunately, Bush 43 hasn't terminated, and is presently in the news with the harassment of "Red's". You will scratch your head at Bentsen's justification: Most problems with gun sales are caused by a small number of FFL holders. Since many, (at the time) FFL holders transfer few guns in a year, the ATF staff, doesn't have the manpower to investigate all of them. He said this on Nightline. I was certainly scratching my head. If the majority of the FFL holders don't sell guns, or sell very few guns, then thay can't physically be the problem with large numbers of (alledged) illegal guns. Bensen, who had been a NRA life member and was considered a conservative Democratic Senator of Texas, completely deserted the gun rights cause when he joined the Clinton administration, and was eventually given the "Presidential Freedom Medal" for his part in denying freedom to the Branch Davidians near Waco. Bentsen also eventually resigned his NRA lifetime membership, but only had the courage to do so after Bush 41 already had set the precedence.

Anyway, those "statistics" are quite doubtful. Gun trace data, isn't reliable, and the out of state qualification is largely irrlevant. When the federal government has a program in place with the specific purpose of reducing the number of FFL's in NYC, and the city has an affective gun ban, what would anyone expect?
What would be even more interesting would be the breakdown on how many of the 'recovered' guns entered the criminal traffic stream by being stolen from individuals or businesses.

If we presume a population of 8M for the five boros the numbers mean less than one-half of one percent of the population had a illegal gun or committed a crime with one. This compares with the overall national stats for less than one half percent of all guns ever being used in a crime. Given the dense population, diverse and often conflicting ethnic groups, and gang activity NYC is doing far better than much smaller Philadelphia. >MW
IIRC, after you apply for a handgunpermit in NYC, you have to wait 2 years to be told NO!!!
Not true. It's a pain and takes about 6-10 months but if you aren't a convicted felon and are mentally sound you can get a permit
It looks to me like Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia,South Carolina, North Carolina, and Florida should be immensely grateful to NYC for taking so many Hi-Points out of those states! :evil:
Hairless do you think anyone would vote for someone who posts on a weapons forum and advocates allowing people to own semi auto pistol machine guns?
Something about filing down a pin, or buying a kit at a gun show might do it. But then that would be illegal, and crooks do not follow the law anyway.

How about Cho Seung-Hui’s 2005 stay in a psychiatric center under a magistrate’s order have raised questions about whether background checks adequately scrutinize the mental health history of potential gun buyers?
Federal law prohibits those who have been “adjudicated as a mental defective” by a court, as well as those who have been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility, from buying a firearm.

Only 17 states, however, submit such mental health information to the background check systems they use on gun purchases. Although Virginia has some of the most permissive gun laws in the country, the state does, in fact, include such mental health records in the background checks it conducts when someone tries to buy a handgun. However, Cho Seung-Hui still bought a gun "legally" and committed a massacre at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Even private sector pre-employment background checks can give instant results and are permitted to cover a lot more categories of information such as current phone number, address, address history for 30 years, age, birth dates, household members, relatives, associates, property ownership, lawsuits, marriage, divorce, criminal records check, sex offenders, terrorist watch, bankruptcy, tax liens, etc. At least they could have figured out whether this guy was a mental case before they sold him the gun.
Applicants who must be manually fingerprinted will submit a money order in the amount of $105.25.
Ouch. When I applied for my NE permit, I applied for my UT permit at the same time. NE used a scanner, while UT requires the blue card. A pleasant gentleman (he wasn't dressed as an officer and didn't identify himself as such) at the State Police office fingerprinted me for free. FREE. Not for $10, $20, and certainly not $105.25. It took about 10 minutes total to do, not 20 seconds like on TV.

I'm so glad I left NYC. I miss the pizza and bagels, though!
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