Attacks On The Mexican Border On BP

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One solution, one only - invade. Iraquify the place. Rebuild so they don't need to run away from thier own country.

The Elephant is in the living room... Mexico has been given some bad signals. They meddle in our affairs but consider their own sovereignty sacrosanct. If things continue as they are, episodes of civil strife and violence are likely to become commonplace and will not be resolved by "amnesty." Is it going to take Hillary dressed as Gen. Patton to bring a new day to border policies? Bush clearly has no aversion to military solutions to political problems--except when it comes to our own borders.
Yeah, be sure to violate Mexico's sovereignty because you fellas want a five mile no man's land extending into THEIR territory. Jesus. If America wants a no-man's land, it's up to America to make a fence five miles north of the current border, not the other way around.

Trading land for peace? I think it has been tried before. It doesn't work too well.

I don't think illegal immigration is a crime punishable by death. You guys want to get things rolling, you need to start up a media campaign like Bush and the war promoters did to get us into Iraq. It was important enough to them, so they did whatever it took to "convince" the American public that we needed to go into Iraq. If John Tanton has enough money and develops enough political power, he can promote a candidate through the process that will surround himself with enough neo-immigration policy types, and then we can start a war with Mexico. That sounds like a plan. But you've got to get the issue to the point where it reaches critical mass, and everybody is afraid enough to buy into it.

Oddly enough, I don't fear maids and gardeners too much, but that's just me.
macavada, look up something called Aztlan. This is a very real idea to destroy the US and create a third country, Hispanic only. I have read some of the literature seized from Mexican National inmates, and they are deadly serious. i believe the LT Governor of California, (ex?) is a supported of MeCHA, which is an Aztlan support group. These illegal invaders never become part of the society they hide from. They never become Americans. I know this due to the huge units we have of nothing but Mexican Nationals - we can't put them together with Americans of Hispanic descent, or huge fights break out.
Anyone wishing to emigrate here, looking for the American dream, needs to do two things - come in legally, like both my sets of grandparents, and learn to be American, like both sets of my grandparents.
And for the love of little green apples, DROP THE HYPHEN! I am NOT a Norweigan-American - you are NOT a Mexican-American. We are Americans, period!
Trading land for peace? I think it has been tried before. It doesn't work too well.
I didn't say give Mexico five miles of our land. I said make another fence five miles north of the current one. Keep both fences up. Put high fences on the roads that go between the southern and northern checkpoints in the no man's land. Then put signs up in English and Spanish saying anything that moves in the no man's land will be shot. You get your no man's land, illegal immigration stops, we don't give land to Mexico, and we don't violate their sovereignty. Only problem is we'd have to get all the landowners north of the border to sell their land for the cause. They might not like it, but the idea of zero illegals coming over might warm them up. The only place this becomes a problem is between TJ and SD.

You want the no man's land to extend south, which would violate Mexico's sovereignty. It's not up to Mexico to prevent people from crossing into the US.
The only place this becomes a problem is between TJ and SD.

Or in places in Texas like El Paso, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, Laredo, Rio Grande City, Hidalgo, Pharr, Brownsville, and probably others.
in my opinion the immigrants from mexico should wait in line to become citizens of this country,and should not be given free passage here,when the rest of the world has to work hard to get in this country legally why should they be let in illegally,thats why i think the borders should be guarded strictly.

and in my line of work no one wants to pay high dollars for a top transmission removal,reinstall tech when they can get someone who doesnt speak english but will work for less than minimum wage under the table!!!!!!!!
Someone brought up the subject of fences. You know, right now, that seems like a good idea to me. I think it would make the border much more manageable. Even where there's a water crossing, we ought to put up a fence on our side.

Just don't build it on no-bid contracts, and I don't have a problem with it.
(That's probably not an issue anyway, because there's plenty of contruction outfits that can do it, and competition shouldn't be a problem.)

FYI - No sarcasm in the above statements.
in my opinion the immigrants from Mexico should wait in line to become citizens of this country, and should not be given free passage here, when the rest of the world has to work hard to get in this country legally why should they be let in illegally, thats why I think the borders should be guarded strictly.
What a concept, and from a new member (welcome aboard 727!) Color it any which way feels comfortable to you. I'm tired of reading food labels on everything I buy in two languages. I'm tired of going into certain areas of Nashville where English is the foreign language. I'm tired of my tax dollars covering people who have NO legal right to take same. Racist? Fine. If that label makes you feel better… It’s OUR country not theirs. And before you start woofing, my Mom emigrated from France in 1946 to this country and assimilated. My Puerto Rican stepfather did the same. The difference? They did it LEGALLY! What a concept. When it comes down to an all-out race war in the near future, I hope ya’ll remember what caused it. Unfettered border crossings by people who feel no allegiance to this country. Read that line again. I’d rather pay $3.00 a head for lettuce or $10,000 more on my house to avoid what this country is coming to.
pay SSI to their grandparents.

How does that work? Care to explain that one? Educate me, because I must be ignorant on that point.

The SSA refers to them as 'Aged non-citizen claims', (They decided in '97 or '98 that the term 'aged alien' was demeaning) and processes them as title 16 disability claims. Since they are over 65 and almost always have a less than 12th grade education, most of them fall under an adverse vocational profile, which means pretty much any medical condition is considered disabling.

For some reason, most of the aged non-citizen clains we see in Wisconsin are from southeast asia. I imagine that mexicans make up the vast majority of such claims in your neck of the woods.

Being down in that area, I expect you've heard more than I have about the hospitals and trauma centers struggling to stay afloat, and in some instances closing, because of the huge number of illegals thay are required to provide care for without ever receiving any payment. It's a hell of a situation.
The SSA refers to them as 'Aged non-citizen claims', (They decided in '97 or '98 that the term 'aged alien' was demeaning) and processes them as title 16 disability claims. Since they are over 65 and almost always have a less than 12th grade education, most of them fall under an adverse vocational profile, which means pretty much any medical condition is considered disabling.

For some reason, most of the aged non-citizen clains we see in Wisconsin are from southeast asia. I imagine that mexicans make up the vast majority of such claims in your neck of the woods.

Being down in that area, I expect you've heard more than I have about the hospitals and trauma centers struggling to stay afloat, and in some instances closing, because of the huge number of illegals thay are required to provide care for without ever receiving any payment. It's a hell of a situation.

SSI isn't paid to "illegal" aliens. They have to have status of some kind. The elderly with low or no income are eligible for SSI without regard to disability. Disability prior to 65 makes them eligible to get SSI early. Social Security disability is not that easy to get approved.

As for trauma centers and hospital care, only emergency care is given to illegals. Other non-emergency care is denied to illegals as well as citizens. Not too many stories of illegals getting into bar fights and ending up in the emergency rooms down here. I'm sure it happens some, but I don't hear a lot of stories about illegals getting shot. Maybe some of the drug dealers. Some illegals are drug trafficers, most drug trafficers are probably illegal, but most illegals are not drug trafficers.

If they are "grandparents of illegals" they are illegals themselves, if they are in this country illegaly. I can't think of any SSI payments they'd be getting that the law allows illegals. I've asked someone that works in welfare, and they said it is not possible. They have to be legal as in resident alien, or some other such status that lets them be in the country.
macavada, the way a Border Patrol guy explained it to me is that a citizen brings in an elderly relative from the "old country". The e.r. gets on this SSI program. They set up a joint bank account, to which the checks are mailed. E.r. goes home. Citizen then has the money coming in to the account; commonly a minor percentage is sent to the e.r.

The BP guy said his duty in Chicago was checking out e.r.s for legality as part of the program; he added that most of the folks involved in that area were of Greek origin--a case of Greeks taking, not bearing, gifts.

Cumulatively, it's several billion bucks a year.

Many of these checks go to dual-citizenship Mexicans who live near the U.S. border. It's one of the reasons the post offices in tiny towns like Columbus, NM, have so many more PO boxes than even post offices in large cities.

The obvious problem with the deal is that the money goes to people who have never contributed a penny into FICA.

Thanks to those who amplifed my "grandparents on SSI" remark. Such realities often come as a shock to those who would prefer to think it's not happening. It is.

Need I mention, yet again, the "totalization" program advanced by our bureaucrats late last year? This will give Social Security stipends to people who worked illegally in the U.S. That's bad enough. Worse is that they will be able to count time worked in Mexico toward the amount of their payment.

What we are moving toward is a de facto embracing of Mexico's needy as part of our welfare system. Think many millions of people; think many billions of dollars a year, maybe hundreds of billions. Can we afford it? Washington, D.C. must think so, but then the geniuses there don't believe deficits are a problem, do they?

Your scenarios describe the actions of citizens, legal residents, or individuals with dual citizenship - not illegal aliens. Your very first sentence says " a citizen brings in an elderly relative ..." A citizen can go through the process of bringing in an elderly relative and making them a resident alien - a totally legal status which allows them to apply for SSI given certain circumstances. Trying to attribute this money that goes to legal residents to illegal aliens is incorrect.

FICA is paid by working people, both citizens and illegals borrowing (stealing) SSN's. Those on SSI most likely never paid into the system what they are getting out of it. SSI is for disabled people, and elderly that don't have enough income or regular Social Security benefits. Again, the SSI argument doesn't apply to illegal aliens or "their grandparents".

If resident aliens are getting SSI, you have a problem with other aspects of Immigration and Social Security law, but that has nothing to do with "illegal aliens."

We need more than anecdotes for this topic. A BP guy barely knows immigration law, much less social security law.

More to come ...
SSI Eligibility Requirements


Anyone who is:

aged (age 65 or older);
blind; or

And, who:

has limited income; and

has limited resources; and

is a U.S. citizen or one of certain categories of aliens; and

In general, an alien who is subject to an active warrant for deportation or removal does not meet the citizenship/alien requirement.

is a resident of one of the 50 States, including the District of Columbia, and the Northern Mariana Islands; and

is not absent from the country for a full calendar month or more than 30 consecutive days; and

agrees to apply for any other cash benefits for whom he or she may be entitled; and

meets certain other requirements.
To get SSI benefits, you must be:

a citizen or national of the United States; or

a non–citizen who meets the alien eligibility criteria under the 1996 legislation and its amendments.

When May A Non–Citizen Be Eligible For SSI Benefits?
Beginning 8/22/96, most non–citizens must meet two requirements to be eligible for SSI benefits:

the non–citizen must be in a qualified alien category, and

meet a condition that allows qualified aliens to get SSI benefits.

A non–citizen must also meet all of the other requirements for SSI eligibility, including the limits on income, resources, etc.

Who is a "Qualified Alien?"
There are eight categories of qualified aliens. You are a qualified alien if the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says you are in one of these categories:

Lawfully Admitted for Permanent Residence (LAPR) in the United States, including "Amerasian immigrant" as defined in Section 584 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 1988, as amended;

granted conditional entry under Section 203(a)(7) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) as in effect before 4/1/80;

paroled into the United States under Section 212(d)(5) of the INA for a period of at least one year;

refugee admitted to the United States under Section 207 of the INA;

granted asylum under Section 208 of the INA;

deportation is being withheld under Section 243(h) of the INA as in effect before 4/1/97, or removal is withheld under Section 241(b)(3) of the INA;

"Cuban and Haitian entrant" under Section 501(e) of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980; or

under certain circumstances, you, your child, or your parent has been subjected to battery or extreme cruelty while in the United States.

Under What Conditions May a "Qualified Alien" be Eligible for SSI Benefits?
If you are in one of the eight qualified alien categories listed above, you may be eligible for SSI benefits if you also meet one of the following conditions, have limited income and resources and are aged, blind, or disabled:

1. You were receiving SSI benefits and lawfully residing in the United States on 8/22/96.
2. You are LAPR with 40 qualifying quarters of work.

Work done by your spouse or parent may also count toward the 40 quarters of work, but only for getting SSI benefits.

We cannot count quarters of work earned after 12/31/96 if you, your spouse, or your parent worked or received certain benefits from the U.S. government based on limited income and resources during that period.

IMPORTANT:If you entered the United States for the first time on or after 8/22/96, then you may not be eligible for SSI benefits for the first five years as LAPR, even if you have 40 qualifying quarters of earnings.
Your assertion was that illegal aliens bring in their grand parents and they get SSI. That is simply false. There are people that commit welfare fraud, and elderly people do it as well, but they are individuals with a legal status that allows them to defraud the system. Illegals don't get the opportunity to do it, because they can't get past that hurdle. You are attributing welfare fraud committed by people that are here (at some point) legally to illegal aliens because you want to support your argument against illegal aliens. It is fine if you don't want illegals in this country, but when you support your position with lies, it sort of undermines your position.

Citizens commit welfare fraud all the time. Even "Americans".
This guy is doing what you're doing.

Look at his headline:

Ask The Advisor: No Benefits Should Go To Illegal Aliens!

Ask The Advisor: No Benefits Should Go To Illegal Aliens!

It is unconscionable to consider funding illegal, law-breaking aliens while our states and local governments are in debt, created in part by Federal legislation that was passed, but not funded. The cause of the sacrifices we face in the months and years ahead, in higher state and local taxes, and reduced or eliminated services, is clear—the result of irresponsible budgeting by the federal government.

It is unconscionable to consider funding law-breaking aliens while Medicare, Veterans Administration, and other budget items are being cut. These cuts are like broken promises to the voters. It’s time for our nation to learn the best use for tax funds and get its priorities straight. — N.P.

From the editor, Mary Johnson:
Not only are aliens able to receive Social Security benefits based on illegal work in the United States, according to the General Accounting Office (GAO), but also significant numbers of them may be receiving improper Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits outside the United States.

SSI is intended to provide monthly benefits for low-income seniors, the blind, and disabled who have not worked long enough to be eligible for Social Security. Although administered by Social Security, it is funded from general federal revenues and not from Social Security payroll taxes. Certain categories of aliens may be eligible for SSI benefits if they meet eligibility criteria. SSI recipients are NOT eligible for benefits, however, if they are outside of the United States for 30 consecutive days or more.

Because many states supplement federal SSI benefits, improper federal payments to ineligible individuals also cause higher state and local taxes for law-abiding citizens. As you have pointed out, this puts legitimately eligible needy seniors and the disabled at risk for losing services if state budgets must be cut.

According to the Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) data, less than 1% of all SSI recipients violate residency requirements annually. But the GAO reported that, in fact, no data exists to determine the true level of “residency violations.†Based on earlier studies, those violations could represent as much as 26% of SSI cases in certain areas of the country. The GAO noted that staff and managers in several regions estimated that anywhere from 40% to as many as 90% of recipients in some areas close to the southern border of the United States, improperly receive benefits outside the country.

One of GAO’s recommendations is for SSA to expand unannounced home visits as a way of verifying the residency. The agency’s response to this recommendation, however, raises even more questions. SSA wrote:

“Unannounced home visits could assist SSA in detecting SSI residency violators. However, SSA employees were not sent on unannounced visits because of the expectation of potentially dangerous situations. Any thoughts of using SSA employees to conduct future unannounced visits must include strong considerations of employee safety.â€

The GAO noted that private investigators in Texas had an 8 to 1 benefit to cost ratio.

Source: Supplemental Security Income: SSA Could Enhance Its Ability to Detect Residency Violations, The General Accounting Office, July 2003, GAO-03-724.

You know, you're right, you must be: Illegal aliens aren't getting monies they're not entitled to, they aren't stealing SS numbers, they aren't comprising 30 per cent of all Federal prisoners, they aren't 60 per cent of the gangbangers in L.A., they're not taxing the hospitals and schools to the breaking point, and they're not voting illegally. It must be, well, my racist imagination getting the better of me again.

Then again it's just possible that you yourself have an agenda and for some reason don't want to examine the full magnitude of this problem. The bottom-line is that a lot of people are in this country who shouldn't legally be here, and they are costing us a bloody bundle. That, sir, is no lie.

I will be among many interested viewers of President Bush's State of the Union address tomorrow, expecting him to regale us, yet again, with his proposals for turning illegals into "guest workers." I can hardly wait.
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