AZ action alert: bill to prohibit special taxes on firearms & related

Apr 26, 2015

HB 2394 to be heard in the Senate Committee of the Whole

HB 2394 would prohibit the state of Arizona and its political subdivisions from using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer or cooperate with any tax, levy, fee or stamp imposed on firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition not common to all other goods and services.

The bill will be heard in the Senate Committee of the Whole (COW) on Monday, 3/27. Your Senator needs to hear from you! It only takes a few mouse clicks to voice your opinion.


If you have not yet contacted your Arizona Senator urging them to support HB 2394, please do so.


IMPORTANT: I cannot attach the link because it goes to my senator and has my name and address. Please find your AZ senator's email address on the state website.

AZCDL advises titling your email Please Vote YES on HB 2394.

Here is the text they suggest, which you can of course modify or ignore:
The Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL) has informed me that HB 2394 will soon be heard in the Senate Committee of the Whole. As a constituent and Arizona voter, the passage of HB 2394 is important to me. I urge you to vote in favor of the bill when it comes to the floor.

HB 2394 would prohibit the state of Arizona and its political subdivisions from using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer or cooperate with any tax, levy, fee or stamp imposed on firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition not common to all other goods and services. Regardless of what actions the federal government may take, the State of Arizona should not participate in discriminatory taxation of certain products for political reasons.

Like last year's HB 2111, which was signed into law by Governor Ducey, HB 2394 is based on the anti-commandeering principle which has been upheld in no fewer than 5 U.S. Supreme Court opinions from as early as 1842 to as recently as 2018.

Again, I urge you to vote in favor of HB 2394.
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