Babies (15mo.) at gun shows??

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Oct 21, 2008
New Hampshire
I saw a thread on kids at gun shows (being little brats, not keeping hands off stuff, etc.) but what are your thoughts about babies at shows (15 mo just getting mobile)? My girlfriend says "so what" but I think I'm on the fence about it a little more for two reasons....

1. "I'll bring the stroller" way, no room for a stroller. The place gets PACKED with people (DiPrentis shows, Concord NH) so I've already made up my mind about the stroller.

2. The whole "baby at a gun show" thing. I just think it's a little bit inappropriate, but I can't really articulate why I think that way. Maybe my thought is that it's really reserved more for adults just intrinsically, but at 15 mo. it's more of a safety thing for me. God forbid if anything were to happen to that little bugger...I would never forgive myself, and sometimes mistakes do happen at those venues. Yes, I probably have a greater chance of getting in a crash to/from the event, but.......thoughts??

Oh, let me explain too...all this baby stuff is pretty new to me so my "fatherly instincts" may be kicking in a bit here too :)
Seriously? You're thinking too hard. Dress 'em in camo and bring 'em along! Besides, what else are you going to do with 'em, put out big bowls of food and water and let the cat watch 'em? That's worse than a gun show. Cats are bad, they steal the breath from babies.
Get 'em started early, I always say. :D

The whole "baby at a gun show" thing. I just think it's a little bit inappropriate, but I can't really articulate why I think that way. Maybe my thought is that it's really reserved more for adults just intrinsically, but at 15 mo. it's more of a safety thing for me.
I am curious as to just what you think is going to happen. Surely you're not going to stay at home until the child is 18. :p

If you and your GF go together, you can take turns carrying and watching him or her, no need for a cumbersome stroller. IMO the stimulation would be good for the developing mind.
I agree with the no stroller idea. No room and you'll constantly run into the achille's heels of a lot of people (ask me how I know). You can use one of those carriers strapped on like a knapsack on the front but if there is a 15 month old child there he can't be able to reach and grab like they tend to do.

The feeling you may have but can't explain may be similar to taking the same 15 month old child into a bar with you while you drink (forget about the smoke issue if that is present). It just doesn't feel right for some reason. While there is nothing "wrong" with it, it goes against your inner psyche.

I agree that toddlers and kids who grab do not belong at gun/knife shows. Kids can be grabby until they are 4 or 5, maybe 6. Some don't stop grabbing until they are even older. Just my opinion but I've been a vendor at gun shows and I've seen more than I care to.

Im 63, got kids 36, 34, 32,and 30, got grand kids 2, 4, 5, 6.

the 5 and 6 live with us and we have had custody for 3 years. Been taking them to gun shows since they were 2 . They TOUCH NOTHING.

Get tired, we leave or carry them.
Never, ever, bring a stroller, I will give you a look if you do.
Bottom line; Relax, carry the baby, have a good time. I suspect you are going to be a terrific dad.
I prefer a "1 strike" rule with kids. And not just for gun shows. Include grocery stores, wal-mart, anywhere. If your kid is loud, obnoxious, grabbing things, destructive, etc even one time, don't ever bring them back. I'm honestly in favor of a "no children allowed" rule for most public places, but I know that won't fly. So just make sure they are not interfering with anyone else, either with sound, smells, or physically.
Some of my best memories of my oldest at 15 months old to the NRA convention. Yup, had the big stoller to as I had to go on my own. Who cares, my big concern is they grow up knowing more than others about guns and knives. Plus many people there let me in front of them making lines quicker!

My oldest is turning 5, and knows the difference in shotgun/rifle/pistol/revolver, as well as major gun parts and calibers. SHE DOESN'T CALL IT A CLIP! :)
Thanks for the compliment Doc....nice of you to say. Good points, all of you esp. the ones about changing his diaper on a show table and dressing him all in camo :D

Yes, my GF says I'm "overreacting" with my concerns but having been a police officer for just shy of ten years has me full of "what if's" anyway!

I guess if mom is comfortable and no one will have a problem at the show with it then it's a go!
My son has been accompanying me to gun shows since he was born, and now his little sister joins us. He's 3 and she just turned 1. They're both polite, well mannered kids (in public anyway), so I have no problems taking them anywhere I go.

The stroller doubles as a cart to tote any firearms I bring with me or come home with.
I have faced the same dilemma. So far it has kept me from going to a couple shows. I dunno, seems like a punchline to a Jeff Foxworthy joke to me. You know you're a redneck if...
All mine have attended gun shows since they were infants -- though I've lost much interest in going to gun shows over the years.

I can't remember any time they touched something inappropriate or threw any tantrums. The show vendors were universally very positive toward me, and friendly to them as well, often going out of their way to make sure the kids got to pick from their candy bowl or got an extra cookie.

They got to spend time with me, which they loved, in one of "my" places/activities, which they thought was pretty cool, and they got yet another bit of exposure to guns in a positive setting, which I think is pretty cool.

I can't imagine anyone being so self-defeating as to bar the young from participation in at least the community or atmosphere of active RKBA, if not actual shooting itself. These little ones are our future! Exclude them from your life and by the time you think they're "ready" to participate ... chances are other influences will have stolen their attention out from under you.
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I'd rather have 65 babies & mothers taking care of them then 50 gazillion old geezers crowding the aisles bull-shipping and not shopping, semi-adults pointing laser sights at my chest from six isles over, or teenage mall-ninjas swinging samurai swords like Bruce Lee as I try to crowd by them!

Give me the baby's & toddlers any day!
They are small enough I can push them out of the way, and they aren't armed.

Long as you don't flop him down on a rifle table and change a stinky one, doesn't bother me none...
Yep. I do get a little annoyed with the strollers though, just ain't enough room many times.
We had four children over a ten year span and my wife is a nurse...she works weekend shifts. So for 20 years, if I wanted to go somewhere on a weekend, one or more kids accompanied me, either in a backpack or on foot.

A gun show would be no different from a horse-pulling contest at the County Fair. Keep a sharp eye on them and reward good behavior with food. They actually enjoyed Saturday outings with Dad, which always included donuts and flatulence contests.

Bring them and

make them behave. Kids are a part of our world. We were all kids once. We cannot always leave them at home. Bringing them to gun shows is a way of acclimating them to the real world. The main thing is...parents need to control them. Period.

If kids bother some adults (that are not related to the children) that is the adults' problem as long as the parent is controlling his children. If you want to live in a world without kids go live in a retirement community and stay away from gun shows. Kids are people, too.
I've seen little kids at the several gun shows I've been to. Never been a problem.

If you can get one, there's a framed backpack carrier that'll stand on its own when set down. Great for carrying the kid for long periods and leaves your hands free. Plus its got pockets for kid necessities.

Get him plenty rested beforehand, tired cranky kids are no fun. Let him know the no-touch rule up front and bring something to keep him occupied. reward good behavior.

Relax & have fun!
i have taken my kids to the local gun shows via strollers. the ones here have plenty of walking room in between tables. i probably would not do it without a stroller though.

or if they are small enough just stuff them in a tactical backpack
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