Back from Iraq!

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Welcome back to the States.
Thanks for going, and glad everything turned out ok.
Wow, thanks everyone. Just another reason to love THR; ya'll are great!

chaim said:
I bet "Worst place in America" feels nearly like heaven after 7 months in Ar Ramadi.

Actually, aside from my wife and indoor plumbing I liked Iraq a lot more than garrison. We got f###ed with a lot less there, and it's sorta why most of us in the infantry enlisted. If it wouldn't have destroyed my marriage I'da tried to cross deck and sign up for another tour with 3/8. Is it weird that my best memories about Iraq all seem to involve me getting shot at? Now that I'm back home I don't know what to do with myself; everything just seems so pointless.... oh well, they say I'll get over it after awhile.

Although we did have to sweep the streets. Nothing makes you feel motivated to EAS quite like trying to remove the sand from a street surrounded by dirt fields, in the middle of a desert warzone. It's.... special. And Heaven help us when a General decided to bestow his presence on us. [/shakes head]
Semper Fi

Semper Fi and welcome back. Reminds me that after a year in Beirut I came back to Pendleton and was immediately sent to two months at 29 stumps for back to back Cax exercises in the desert...
Get your vet bennys. Go to a local vets services group. Get evaled at a va hosp.

There is a back log right now and it will take awhile. If I can help. I am in the process of going to work for the Palo Alto VA. And I volunteer there. PM me. i will call you. And help you get started.

Glad you are back. I have been back for three years. Sometimes I still dont know what to with myself.

God Bless , stevo.........
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