Back into the fold, and a challange

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Dec 27, 2002
Del City, Okla
Well, I'm breaking my own promise, I haven't reached the goal I had set for myself. But the political climate we are currently in requires that I stay in touch with like minded folks. I have learned something in the past month tho', if you get in the habit of doing something, it becomes just part of your routine. So I'm challanging everyone who reads this to take 30 minnutes out of their week. sit down at the computer, or put pen to paper, or use that nasty phone contraption, and make your voice heard to everyone who can hear. I'm talking federal, state, local, everyone. Let them know that we've had enough, and let them know often. It's only 30 minutes, what do you have to lose?
Nice to be back, although I'm still limiting myself as much as possible. I've still been lurking, kinda keeping an eye on those of the fold who have had hard times lately. I'm only down 20 lbs, but I don't have chest pain anymore, and my angiocath went well (probably something to do with 15 years of no animal fats) Doc says no damage, it was just the old ticker telling me it had about had enough. It requires a whole lifestyle change, but the reward is worth it. But on to more important things, keep bashing at them, keep at them until they realize we're not going away. Keep at your friends until they keep at them. And I'm not talking just about the 2A, I'm talking about the entire assault they've put upon us. Everyday the government gets alittle more involved in our personal lives "for our own good". And I for one am tired of them telling me what is good for me. Jeesh, they even tell me how much water I can flush with. That should tell everyone it's just gone too far.
Already been conducting my own campaign against them since early last week. The FCC has been near the top of my list, just to name one.

Glad you're doing well. Keep up the good work, Cruffy.

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