Background check denial

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Feb 8, 2006
My brother in law is a skilled mechanical contractor and decided to work in Afghanistan for a year working on bases and other special projects. Prior to his trip he had made some purchases such as a Ruger 9mm and some rifles.

When his year stint was up and he came back, he wanted to buy a gun for his son who was turning 14. No dice. His background check came back with a resounding "NO." Apparently those who work out of the country are on some suspension time period for buying weapons. This guy doesn't even have a speeding ticket and is a straight arrow - no arrests, no jail, no problems.

Is anybody familiar with this happening?
I hadn't heard that one before. There is an appeals process that he can go through, the FFL that got the denial should be able to provide him with the paperwork to proceed with the appeal.
It is not unsusal for the system to mis-identify a person, especially if they have a common name. I would file an appeal and see if this doesn't turn out to me a mix-up in the records department. :cuss: :banghead:
That's why I, (even though I really loathe doing it), always provide my SSN on the 4473s. My name is a fairly common one. The SSN will differentiate me from all of the others, even though I would hope my birth date would do that, also.
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