Bad range day.

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I did the ammo on the bench fail, ive done the missing bolt fail, ive also done the wrong gun right ammo fail.....all rushing. Ive never left hearing protection behind since i keep a set of plugs tied to the tubes of the scopes i use on a regular basis.The wrong gun was funny, if id brought the right gun and wrong ammo i would have been fine since i usually used an 06 (same as a friend), but since i was using my .223 I was SOL
I had a few of those trips. My remedy has been to keep a rangebag partially packed. I have basic small tools, cleaning supplies, ear pro, an old mylar balloon to serve as a wind sock at the target, a sand sock, and eye pro. Then I have a shelf in my safe that I put all my usual items that I take. Then, having all the basics taken care of, all I have to think about is what gun and what ammo to bring. Significantly reduces the hassle of wondering if you forgot xyz at home.
I've packed up to go to the pistol range with a fistful of the wrong mags. There's nothing like packing multiple wrong magazines to make you doubt whether you should have taken the trip at all, given the obvious state of distraction.
I imagine this happens to everyone at least once-
I was at a mg shoot and wanted to fire my black powder pistol just for fun as it has been 25 years since I last did it.

powder wad ball ram it in then.......... no caps oh my was I a little pissy after that.
I have had dreams of driving 1200 miles to an mg shoot and forgetting a barrel or one bad one all the ammo or a parts box.
Used to keep all kinds of spare stuff in my truck, hearing protection, boxes of common reloads, spare magazines, etc.

Had to drive on the Air Force base one day to quote a job. Dropped my 1911 off at a friends business on the way to the base. Got searched, thoroughly. Upside was they found 2 high dollar AR15 9mm 32 round mags I lost a year before. Downside is I got thrown off the base with extreme prejudice
I always forget something... usually the mag/s for a particular gun, or I bring the mags but forget the gun. I try to bring enough guns so that I can still have fun. :D
My worst day at the range was when I forgot the beer.
I shoot first then drink the beer,after I'm done shooting.
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