Ballistic Duct Tape.

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Feb 2, 2008
You ain't from around here, KY
After watching the episode of mythbusters where they made a bridge out of Duct Tape, I had an idea for a crazy "what if" idea. Before I go any further, I want to say that this for educational purposes only. I WILL NOT use a duct tape vest as body armor, nor do I reccomend it to any one else.

Most of us know modern body armor fielded by the military consists of a kevlar vest with optional SAPI plates made from boron carbide (I think) ceramic backed with kevlar to prevent spall. Theory is these plates break up the projectile and disperse energy by shattering. And they are rated to stop 3 hits from AP .30-06 rounds.

Now, my crazy idea. Use 3x3'' ceramic bathroom tile wrapped in about 30 layers of duct tape, and layered so they overlap each other. Think of a good 'ol boys version of Dragonskin armor. Now I have read online that it takes 7.5'' of duct tape to stop a .223 fmj round. I dont expect much from dozen layers of duct tape and bathroom tile, but who knows. Ceramic tile may very well work and the tape backing will prevent spalling. Either way expect pictures of shattered bathroom tile and what not to use as body armor in the near future. :D
Icebones - I think that regular ceramic tiles like you mention are too "glass-like" (i.e. brittle) and would cause more trouble than solving.
The material used in current vests is undoubtably tougher and more durable, better able to withstand the impact without shattering on smaller rounds or a lesser amount of shattering than what you would find.
Perhaps using a piece of carbon-fiber reinforced nylon or Lexan about 1/4" thick would work better. The carbon-fiber would add toughness to the "plastics" and the softness of the plastics would allow them to deform without shattering, causing the bullet to expend KE to get through. Overlay the nylon with 1/8" piece of iron would further slow the bullet before reaching the nylon, spreading its energy over a larger area before it reaches the nylon.
Composite layers with differing properties seems like the answer.
hmm, I figured the bath tiles would be too brittle, but a friend of mine was issued a SAPI plate that had the corner chiped, believe it or not SAPI plates are pretty brittle, and the actual ceramic felt like the broken edge of a ceramic dinner plate. They are just coated with a polymer like substance, and the kevlar backing. Wonder if anyone has a cross section of a plate cut in half on the web somewhere?

Interesting note, boron carbide has a hardness of 9.3 on the Mohs scale, most bathroom tiles are made of either marble, granite or fire hardened clay
marble is 2 through 5 mohs scale,
granite 7 through 8,
fire hardened clay, unknown hardness.
looks like granite might be the best best.
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well i had an extra SAPI i shot with a 7mm rem mag at 25 feet it stoped all 3 rds i put in it. the Boron carbide is about 1/4" thick with the kevlar being about 3/4" and a 1/8" of soft foam behind that. I would try the layers on top of the tile then a fiber/reason (cotten soaked in epoxy) backing with some more tape behind that. the problem with the bathroom tile is that it is not vary dence obsorbso it wont the KE from the round.
Mythbusters all ready did it... I think two seasons ago
go to their website

you can make things that work, only problem is they are VERY heavy.
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Ceramic tile may very well work

No, it won't.

The materials, component sizes and their configuration are critical in stopping any projectile.

You'll probably have to alternate layers of tile and tape to a considerable thickness to get it to work and then it will only take one hit instead of the required 3.

The video should be fun, though.
If bathroom tile and duct tape could be fashioned into effective body armour.......every mall ninja on the internet would be posting videos on YouTube.

It can't.
They don't.

WOW that is a crazy photo! Yeah I'm curious what that guy was told about that life vest.

"Really? It stops bullets? OK, but why is it bright orange?"

Interesting side tilt with that AK going on too, launching brass up over his shoulder. If he is shooting it at that angle the bullets are hitting the ground 20 feet in front of him. I guess that why soldiers in most places are trained......
I think that photo was from Liberia. There was a whole collection of strange photos...I think style points counted as much as hits. Notice the brass in midair--the guy is shooting his AK gangsta-style and it looks like the muzzle is pointed towards the ground.
If bathroom tile and duct tape could be fashioned into effective body armour.......every mall ninja on the internet would be posting videos on YouTube.

It can't.
They don't.

In a following Mythbusters episode labeled "What's bullet proof?", Jamie fashioned a mat of 1''x1'' ceramic tiles. The mat did stop several hand gun rounds.
It is no trick to stop a bullet.

The trick is to find something that will stop a bullet AND is light and comfortable enough that you can stand to wear it all day.
I think composites are the way to go. I've toyed with the idea of making a vest using some material sprayed with large amounts of rhinoliner/X-liner. perhaps alternating layers of ductape and RhinoLiner?
Kayak man
check out

and if you do make that vest, send it to them with a box of ammo and ask them to post an episode.

Don't duct tape it to yourself under you mall ninja uniform
that will just get you called gecko45, and if you don't know who he is/was, do a search, but be warned

It's best to remove all liquids from the vicinity of your computer, and what ever you do, don't drink anything...
I'd heard of the Box O' Truth but never really checked it out. So far, it looks pretty good. If I ever build a vest with rhinoliner, I'll definately send it in to them.

Chris "the Kayak-Man" Johnson
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