Band of Brothers

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What are you guys talking about?! I thought that if Ross were drafted, he would have become the lieutenant in BOB! I thought that he was perfect, Friends stigma and all! But then, I didn't watch a lot of Friends either so, my take on his Ross character is probably unqualified.

I did think at the first viewing, "Oh jeez, him??!" but I gotta say he did a fine job playing the lieutenant. I even felt sorry for his character later when ...<SPOILER>..., didn't you?

I thought Mr. Office Space (Ron Livingston) as Capt. Nixon was a good casting decision too.

I think it was a good bit of casting. It would have been better if Schwimmer wasn't so famous as Ross. Schwimmer did a pretty good job-it's just hard to put the "Ross" bit out of your head.

Wasn't hard for me. I can proudly say I've never seen 1 second of Friends. :)

Back OT, BOB is certainly the best war movie I've ever seen, and at least one of the top five movies I've ever seen.
Speaking of characters, how many think Lt. Spears shot those POW's after he gave them cigarettes? I'm still not sure. I did read the book and don't recall that incident being mentioned. I was amazed at how accurate the series was compared to how the event actually occurred.
We Were Soldiers Once and Young beats them all. I have had the pleasure of working with Ernie Savage off and on over the years. He is a super guy, just a real down to earth person who would rather be in a bass boat with a cold beer than anything else. One would never know he is one of the heros of all times, IMHO he ranks up there near to SGT York.
If you watch it closely again, Lt. Spears definitely did not shoot the prisoners.
I'm not a fan of Friends, but since my wife broke her shoulder, I've felt bad about doing other things and leaving her alone with the tv sooo.... Anyway, his character struck me as exactly what Ross would be like if he were drafted away from his museum job and given even a little power. I've met too many people like that and he was definitely Ross on an ego trip. And no, I never felt sorry for him. He got exactly what he deserved; dead ended.
I've watched Friends for years and Ross is an annoying wuss. When I watched BOB the first time on HBO I thought, oh boy, more Ross Schwimmer but he really did a good job.

Ron Livingston is good as well. Does anyone else think he would make the perfect Hogan for a Hogan's Heroes movie?

BOB is a great movie and one of the best war movies ever.
Schwimmer did an absolutely magnificent job of playing his character. It's just that the character is just as I would expect Ross with power to act and Schwimmer playing that part was great.
What's with the uptown choppers? I thought Poland was part of NATO now?

Don't tell me you folks aren't jumping on the AR bandwagon! :D
Page 54-55 of the August 2003 issue of "S.W.A.T." Magazine shows Polish SpecOps troops at Umm Qasr, Iraq, with M4s.

To get back on topic, I think the production and casting for "Band of Brothers" was brilliant ... down to the last extra.
Haven't had the guts to go up to him yet. What do you say to a guy like that except "Thanks"?
I think that would be just fine. Maybe even , "Thanks, can I buy you a cup of coffee?" would work too. Tell him a BIG THANKS!
When I first heard about BOB I thought... Mark 'New Kid on the Block' Wahlberg as Lipton?
Please... but I was convinced... great acting. Hadn't really seen him in much.
Schwimmer as Sobel - yeah it works..
Since I didn't see anyone else post it - I'll slap it up here..
I think one of the Pacific episodes will have to deal with construction of the bomb.. but how to fit it in?
I hope the price on the DVD of BOB comes down after the History Channel airing. Would love to own it.
To get back on topic, I think the production and casting for "Band of Brothers" was brilliant ... down to the last extra.

agreed. None of the characters were over powering in my opinion. They were all just believable and likeable in there own way.

And I have a hankering to buy a garand and a carbine now

(I hardly saw them use the BAR at all though :( )

I really like the last episode. I really like them all.
And the lieutenant passing out ammo from his jeep before they go into Bastogne is a cast member from Saturday Night Live, can't remember his name right now though. :)

Other usually-not-seen-but-seen-in-BOB weapons: Grease Gun in action, someone actually getting bayoneted in a realistic situation, and a rifle grenade to take out an MG.
I just hope it isn't too edited when it comes on the History Channel.

I think BoB has to be one of the best mini series ever produced. I can't even imagine how miserable it was to fight in the dead of winter, without winter clothing, little ammo, and having medics trading left and right just to get the necessities to take care of the troops.

They gotta show the monologues at the end!

Guarnier made me cry when he said "I'm not a hero but I served with some"

To go through all that and be humble about it...
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