banning .223 rifles??

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May 4, 2004
As most of you probably know, they anti-gunners held their "Million Mom March" on Mothers' Day on Sunday in Washington, D.C. One of the Democratic Congressmen who was there mentioned not only continuing the ban on "assault weapons," but also suggested the banning of .223 caliber rifles:

"He also called for expanding the ban to cover more rifles, such as the Bushmaster .223-caliber rifle used in 2002 Washington-area sniper attacks that left 10 persons dead."
-from the Wash. Times:

I guess we really need to keep up on the legislatoin in Washington, and be sure to throw our support where it is needed to prevent any such bans from happening. Slowly but surely our 2nd Amendment is being stripped away, not only by legislation after legislation, but also by a generation of youths that are being taught that guns are evil and need to be banned.

They very well could be... along with every other gun somewhere down the road. I mean, a Congressman is out there telling all these people in the "Million Mom March" that they should be banned.... they all listen, not knowing any better, teach it to their kids and friends.... it just goes on and on. We just need to be wary of such happenings and keep up the fight.

If the leftist extremists had their way, the Second Amendment would be repealed, and all law-abiding American citizens would be prohibited by law from owning any firearms for any purpose whatever.
This is a prime example of why we do our homework, send our money to pro-gun lobby groups, make phone calls, send letters, volunteer our time and talents, and most importantly vote on election days.

We've actually been gaining ground lately, we just need to keep the fires burning and not give up.

In addition: Every time one of those freedom haters open thier mouth, they can't unsay what they said. It's just our job to remind them of the oath they took. If they won't listen, we vote them out of office for someone better.
Throwing dollars at a problem will work for awhile. When a certain group find enough power and support to trash the constitution money won't stop it.
Sigh, that's why any person that inquires about firearms at length with me gets a lesson on rifle calibers. If they're in my home all the better -- drop a .223 in their hands and a .308 -- explain how Ted Kennedy called for a ban on .223, 7.62x39, and 30-30 etc because they're "armor piercing" -- and since everybody in Michigan knows somebody that hunts deer explain to them how .223 is considered marginal (no flames please) for taking deer.

Sometimes, if they're online, I'll just use this:

.223, 7.62x39, 7.62x54, .308 and 8x56mm
"The majority of legitimate gun owners agree that we don't need AK-47s and Uzis on our streets.

"The majority of legitimate gun owners agree that we don't need AK-47s and Uzis on our streets.

And a 1000 years ago the majority of folks agreed the Earth was flat and the sun rotated around the planet.

They were wrong too.

The majority isn't always right - in fact IMO it's wrong more often not.

I'm planning to share the above-linked article in my government class. Read it... from the second paragraph:

The assailant used a 9mm semiautomatic handgun with an illegal 30-round clip, Wilcox said. "I don't believe assault weapons belong on our streets. If people want to play with such tools, they should join the military," said Wilcox, who came from Nevada County, California, with his wife, Amanda, for the second "Million Mom March."

I find that ironic... "we need more gun control!!!" The assailant used an ILLEGAL "extended ammo" clip. See how well gun control works!?

Also, the article is called "Rival rallies argue gun laws," but it hardly even mentions the Pro-Rights rally... instead, it just boasts all the anti-gun arguments of the "Million" (read a few-thousand) Moms out there. Darn Communist News Network...

"I don't believe assault weapons belong on our streets.

I'll volunteer to collect them and put them in my safe? Lord knows you can't walk down the street without tripping over them.

On a more serious note, are the MMM followers really that stupid?

Answer not required.
The majority of legitimate gun owners agree that we don't need AK-47s and Uzis on our streets.
I'll agree with that. They rattle something fierce when you drive over them. They belong at home in the gun closet.
Lol Hawkmoon...
I'll agree with that. They rattle something fierce when you drive over them. They belong at home in the gun closet.

But you can only barely hear them if your driving a "anti-assualt-weapons-in-the-street" Navigator. :rolleyes:
The majority of legitimate gun owners agree that we don't need AK-47s and Uzis on our streets.

The majority of gun owners have no idea what the assault weapons ban really covers. The majority of people support it because they have been lied to by the press and the government and don't take the time to educate themselves on the issue.

Even with the amazing snow job they did on the American people when they passed that law, there were enough people who figured out the truth to cost Democrats a lot of seats in Congress over the so called assault weapons ban.

Apparently, they didn't learn the lesson. We need to fight the lies by spreading the truth. People don't like being lied to, and the AWB is a pretty transparent lie. It doesn't get a specifically sinister type of weapon out of the hands of dangerous criminals.

The entire law is just another step at chipping away at the second ammendment, and another effort by the gun ban lobby to spread fear and disinformation.
Given the number of "assault weapons" running around our streets, you'd think the prices would be a little lower for an AK or Uzi.
Ban a SPECIFIC caliber round ????? UN-FREAKIN' BELIEVABLE !:fire: That follows right along with Sen. Ted Kennedy's call to ban .30 - .30 ammo. What complete idiots !
"I find that ironic... "we need more gun control!!!" The assailant used an ILLEGAL "extended ammo" clip. See how well gun control works!?"

Locke, I'll be interested to hear the response from your class. I once wrote a letter to the newspaper in answer to an anti-gun political cartoon involving schoolchildren with guns. It was never printed (naturally--SF Chronicle) but in it, I cited (by California penal code section) a dozen or so laws that would have had to have been broken before a child could take a gun to school and shoot someone with it. Deaf ears...

I don't mean to be alarmist... but...

Isn't caliber banning how Australia is controlled?

Sensible gun control isn't, it seems.
.223 is too small to be good for hunting

Careful folks. This is not a true statement. If you are hunting "dogs" in South Dakota, it may very well be a great round. Same for Crows, jack rabbits, Coons, Fox, etc. It may be too small for "big game", but we don't want to toss around the idea that this round is too small for hunting. The antis have already picked up on this. I have heard several folks who, when arguing to extend the AWB, refer to the AR-15 and state that this gun cannot be used for hunting, and many states have laws against using it for hunting. Well, that is true to some extent, but they leave out the "big game" portion of the law. So we do need to be careful on how we use statements like the above.

In addition, we do need to educate the public. One of the things I do, whenever I get the chance, is to bring my AR-15 to the range when I will be shooting with some guys whom I know are wishy washy on whether people really need these types of guns. I've had many gun owners, who are misinformed about guns like AR-15's because they don't own any, and have listened to the half-truths and lies from VPC, the Brady Bunch, the Media, and politicians the likes of Ted Kennedy and John Friggin' Kerry.

I work with a friend who is originally from New York City (Flatbush area). He and his wife are liberals and he was anti gun. That is until about a year ago, some hoodlums were trying to bust down his door. They smashed a window trying to get in. He was there with his wife and their two children. Luckily, the bad guys weren't able to enter. The Cops took 15 minutes to arrive, and when they did, they stayed outside, behind their vehicles for at least 5 minutes, eyeballing the situation from the street.

My friend came to me and told me this story, and said he wanted me to help hiim pick out a HD gun and teach him to shoot it. I did so, and had him go to a safety class. We now shoot once a month.

Two weeks ago, during our scheduled shoot, I brought along the AR-15. I had him shoot it. He fell in love. I gave him the 1/2 hr. lesson on how wrong people are about the AWB and these guns. He was in agreement when we were through.

One lefty at a time. We need to keep swinging them to our way of thinking. Some are obviously hopeless, but if you see any spark of pro gun in a "moderate", throw gas on that spark. They will come over. Remember, you seldom see progun folks join the antis, but we have lots of pro gunners who used to be anti.
Unlucky wrote:

I'm thinking stuff other than deer or other "big game". .22lr even has a place to shoot varmints and small game.

I agree. .223 is not a great hunting round for larger critters. I wasn't trying to say you were inaccurate, I was just pointing out how us pro gun folks need to be very careful of our statements, lest the anti gunners pick those statements up and use them to beat us over the head with them.

No offense intended Unlucky.
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