Basic firearms familiarity course

Yeah, you pretty much nailed it. Firearms 101 + safe handling. The challenge is, when someone is interested in firearms this comes relatively easily to them, at least the 101 part -ironically safe handling probably comes easier to those who think a gun is a magic death ray.

I’m going to have a meeting with a couple of the top brass in the coming week and see just what they have in mind, and probably throw out a couple of the suggestions made here.
Get the "Gun Digest book of Firearms Assembly and Dissassembly". Make everyone familiar with it, keep it in a safe place under the counter. It will first tell user how to UNLOAD OR MAKE SAFE a firearm to someone who is unfamiliar.

I like this one.
1. Point in safe direction and KEEP it pointed in safe direction.
2. Unload and make safe. If you don't know how, don't touch anything until you have looked it up or called in somebody familiar with the type.

I have been in the Gun Culture for a good while and recall running into guns that I did not know how to operate.

I have seen loaded guns turning up in stores and gun shows, I have HEARD guns turning up loaded.
What business are you in? Sales? Or some kind of service or repair?

Is it retail, or are doing working for other businesses?
I’ve seen a few recommendations around NRA Instructors or courses on this thread, and I’ll say, bluntly, out of the alleged 125,000 NRA instructors around the country, very, very, very few will be sufficiently knowledgeable to deliver any kind of such training to these employees on manual of arms and operation with any breadth beyond the basics. Myself included, as an NRA Instructor - there simply are too many firearms out there with varying designs. There definitely isn’t an established NRA course which is suitable for this task.
Agree 100%. The 4 rules are followed religiously and we have a written test for employees covering the 4 rules as well as things like “what’s the first thing you do when handling a semi-auto?” (remove the magazine)

1. Chamber check
2. Remove magazine
3. If the chamber was loaded, remove round from chamber