Army Changes Basic Training To Include More Firearms Instruction !!!

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Things we removed from the training schedule to make room for new stuff:

Company level drill & ceremony-only time you see a compnay march now is at graduation.

Trip to the post museum that was part of Army history. Now they just get the classroom portion.

Formal inspections-went from 4 to 1, at the end of the cycle. These were replaced with PCI/PCC (Pre-Combat Checks/Inspections) done by drill sergeants prior to footmarches or other training events.

Post-final FTX recovery time-cut by one day, from 4 to 3.

Also lost some of our "light-day" Saturdays, which allowed us to give some drills sgts Saturdays off. Means DS's have more morale/burnout issues.

I'm sure there's other stuff that was cut-I took command right after the changes started, and don't have much memory of the "way things used to be."
Thanks for the info Langenator. From your post I take it you are or were a BT/OSUT Company Commander. A job as difficult as being a Drill Sgt. in such a company.

Hopefully things have changed since I was "On the Trail" in '90-92. Way too much emphasis placed on "stats" and not enough on doing the right things. In any event good luck with your command.



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