Basic handgun shooting instructions

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May 12, 2004
Rocky Mts
I was looking for some online resources for basic handgun shooting instructions, but am not finding much oriented towards the basics. Theres PLENTY of COMBAT!! :rolleyes: type stuff, but thats NOT what I'm looking for, just plain, simple, basic handgun shooting instruction in the basics of grip, trigger control, sighting,and breathing for accurate shooting.

Please note, this has absolutely nothing to do with carry, defensive, or anything else other than learning shoot shoot a handgun accurately.

So, anyone have some goood online resources for the basics?
Thanks but thats not an online resource I can easily point someone towards.

I'm not asking for myself.
AFAIK, you just have to dig around.

Check out and You might find some nuggets in there.

On the site, you can find bits of the US Army Marksmanship Unit's Pistol Markmanship guide:

Here's a link to the entire pdf:

The threads started by Mike Myers turned out to be long-ish discussions on the matter and would be a good re-read (I recall you participated). Maybe some of it helps...

Single Action vs. Double Action

Single Action vs. Double Action, Part II
Thank you Mr Borland, that looks like good information. I'm not seeing any information specific to grip, though I havent looked in detail yet.

How would you address the question of one handed vs two handed shooting for a basic, new shooter interested in accurate shooting in informal shooting (not formal bullseye target shooting rules)?

Yes, I did participate in Mike Myers threads. They were interesting, I hadnt thought of them, though I dont recall if they had the specific things I was looking for.
Let me start by saying that this suggestion IS NOT to replace training and study online like the courses listed above. With that introduction:

YouTube can be a quick intro, very easy to see and understand. I'd suggest doing a search for "Hickok45 basics", and about 20 or 25 videos will come up. This old guy is a lifelong shooter, teaches (or taught) middle school, and has some law enforcement experience. He has the "teacher's gift of gab", and does a good job explaining from the very basics. The ones on grip and stance, types of handguns, how NOT to shoot a revolver and a semiautomatic are good starting points.

For a newbie, this is an entertaining way to cover basic useful information quickly.

Try GSSF or the Glock Shooting Sports Foundation.
Or IPSC or the NSSF, .
If you want to learn marksmanship and target shooting try; . SIG has a few great YouTube classes online with the lead instructor. Ruger, offers a few gun demos too but it's mostly tactics/skill training.
Gander Mountain Academy might have a laser/simulation type range near you.
It has standard ranges where you aim a Glock or Beretta M9 type laser gun then shoot at stationary targets. They also carry 210 degree use of force/defense simulated systems if you want to train with that.
Thanks, Ive seen many of his vids. Some I enjoy, many, well, I think he could shorten them substantially and come out ahead overall. I guess I dont adjust well to the very verbose style.

I looked on youtube, and the majority of the vids that came up when I was looking for fundamentals or shooting basics kept coming up with defensive oriented stuff, which is not what I'm looking for, just basics of accurate handgun shooting.

Edit: Thanks Rusty, will look over that stuff.

Again, this is not about defensive shooting, just basics of accurate shooting for practical field use.
Get onto You Tube and in the search terms put "travis haley grip". The first one that comes up should be a great intro to the current two handed grip used with semi auto pistols. It's not a long indepth thing. More a skip around promo for some DVD or maybe his course. But it is chock full of basic goodies related to grip and stance.

Beyond that I'd suggest those Mikemeyers threads as well. It was all pretty soundly covered. Basically if it wasn't covered in those two long threads then it's not worth worrying about.
Thanks, I recall those threads, I dont recall much discussion of one handed vs two handed in basic shooting. I'll look at them again when I get time.

None of what I'm seeking is related to DA vs SA shooting.

Let me ask a really specific question, does anyone recommend one handed shooting for a beginning shooter that wants to simply shoot as accurately as possible for field use? What are your reasons and experiences that form your opinion?

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Malamute said:
None of what I'm seeking is related to DA vs SA shooting.

The titles of those threads end up being misnomers - the discussion veers quite a bit from the title, and there's a lot in there that's generally good info. You just have to mine it a bit. ;)

Malamute said:
Let me ask a really specific question, does anyone recommend one handed shooting for a beginning shooter that wants to simply shoot as accurately as possible for field use? What are your reasons and experiences that form your opinion?

IMO, it'd be easier and better to start 2-handed. For most, it's just more stable, so the shooter can focus on executing a good shot, which teaches them what a good shot feels & looks like, which, in turn, builds confidence.

When there's too much wobble, the shooter ends up taking pot shots, which doesn't offer any good feedback. They'll likely also more likely to flinch and jerk the trigger, which are bad habits best avoided from the outset.
One handed implies a slow paced bullseye classic style. For that the same rules as given by Travis Haley and other similar videos applies other than you don't need to lift up the thumb to make room for the other hand coming up for support. We still want a nice neutral grip high on the gun and centered in the web of the thumb to fore finger.

Trigger pulling is still the same as well.

And if you or they read through those long threads you'll find a few hints on the classic bullseye stance and angle. I know because I typed them out.

There is no difference between double and single action. It's still all about good trigger finger control. Again that was all covered in those long threads.

Threads like that are not text books. They are random good ideas surrounded by salad. You and your buddy just need to read them and mine your way through to find the nuggets.

If he needs something more than this then it would be best to sign up for a class and pay for it. When we want to get things for free it's usually going to take some added effort or it's worth exactly what we pay. The information is there and it's free for the taking with the right amount of work to dig it out.
You asked about "getting the grip". In the US Army manual there are 5 pages just about the grip. Study that manual, it's all in there. If you then become interested in more complex handgun shooting check in your library to see if you can get a copy of the paper manual version of the on-line Pistol Marksmanship Guide. The paper manual has instructions for shooting all of the ISU International forms of competition and especially International Rapid Fire Pistol which is 5 shot on 5 different silhouette targets at 25 meters, first in 8 seconds, then 5 shots in 6 seconds and finally 5 shots in 4 seconds, again, on 5 different targets and you start from the ready position with the handgun at 45 degrees from the horizontal. The targets are one meter apart, each. Get this discipline down pat and you can really shoot a handgun.
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