BATF has suffered a dose of efficiency!!

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May 18, 2006
NW Ohio
Hard to believe that my first suppressor took 9 months to be approved and now we are getting them back in two to three days of submission mostly and no more than a week on the outside. Not complaining just find it hard to believe.
Shooting the bull with an FFL last week, he said they (FFLs) thought it might be to mitigate processing delay times as an argument point in the Texas suppressor case.
Short processing times would change the machine gun market (prices would go up even more). The long bureaucratic delays are one of the main factors keeping a lid on MG sales.
I suspect they may see writing on the wall that days are numbered for NFA, at least for suppressors.
Better get all that tax $ while they can.
I suspect they may see writing on the wall that days are numbered for NFA, at least for suppressors.
I hope you're right, but I don't see that happening. Neither Congress nor the Supreme Court is in any mood to touch the NFA. Not even nixing the Hughes Amendment.
Shooting the bull with an FFL last week, he said they (FFLs) thought it might be to mitigate processing delay times as an argument point in the Texas suppressor case.
I'm a Texas FFL/SOT and find that argument odd to say the least. One has nothing to do with the other.
I believe the reason for the short approval time is the ATF hired additional examiners to deal with their rule on braced pistols = sbr's. Then the ATF lost in court, with multiple injunctions in place against their brace ruling.
Instead of laying off or transferring those govt employees, they have put them to work on Suppressors and other NFA registrations.
I believe the reason for the short approval time is the ATF hired additional examiners to deal with their rule on braced pistols = sbr's. Then the ATF lost in court, with multiple injunctions in place against their brace ruling.
Instead of laying off or transferring those govt employees, they have put them to work on Suppressors and other NFA registrations.
No, the reason for the improved processing time isn't more examiners and has nothing to do with braced pistols. ATF didn't hire more examiners for braced pistol Form 1's. ATF hasn't "lost in court" as they still have an appeal. Currently there is a nationwide stay in place.....that could be lifted before dark. It ain't over until its over.

Faster NFA processing times are a result of ATF & FBI changing their processes in mid March 2024.
Scroll down for the most common Q&A's on NFA form processing
I suspect they may see writing on the wall that days are numbered for NFA, at least for suppressors.
Better get all that tax $ while they can.
Dream on.
It's been law for 90 years.

The Hearing Protection Act has never come close to a floor vote.
Donald Trump never lifted a finger and in fact said "I don't like them at all.":oops:
Trump: Will 'seriously look' at banning gun silencers
Trump After Virginia Beach Shooting: ‘I Don’t Like’ Silencers

He's not a friend of the Second Amendment, he's a phony that will say anything he thinks people want to hear.
DT: Can't say I disagree, but factor in his background and it gets a bit understandable....NY, silver spoon in mouth, power broker et al..................STILL, there IS no viable alternative and I gotta believe that his son's support of the stuff will bear on his thinking.....For sure and certain no opponent of his comes even close to us, none!
No, the reason for the improved processing time isn't more examiners and has nothing to do with braced pistols. ATF didn't hire more examiners for braced pistol Form 1's. ATF hasn't "lost in court" as they still have an appeal. Currently there is a nationwide stay in place.....that could be lifted before dark. It ain't over until its over.

Faster NFA processing times are a result of ATF & FBI changing their processes in mid March 2024.
Scroll down for the most common Q&A's on NFA form processing


From your own link:

Has NFA Division implemented processing changes to reduce the number of pending applications?​

Yes. For example, NFA Division is reallocating resources to prioritize processing applications that have received a “proceed” from FBI-NICS in response to the required background check.

Resources are PEOPLE!!!

And why is that NFA able to relocate those resources? Because they brought on more people to handle their expected registration of 3 to 7 million braces.
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From your own link:
You wrote: "I believe the reason for the short approval time is the ATF hired additional examiners to deal with their rule on braced pistols = sbr's.".......which didn't happen. No additional examiners were hired specifically for pistol braces. Only Congress can authorize ATF to hire additional staff.
You also wrote:"...Instead of laying off or transferring those govt employees, they have put them to work on Suppressors and other NFA registrations."
ATF can't just decide "well, we don't need Clerk Jones anymore, lets transfer him to the Bureau of Indian Affairs". And do you really think NFA examiners that were hired specifically "to deal with their rule on pistol braces" have been sitting around idle FOR THE LAST YEAR? The Fifth issued its stay on May 23rd, 2023. ATF stopped processing those Form 1's a year ago.

If you remember, Form 4 processing was significantly delayed during the Pistol Brace forbearance period BECAUSE existing examiners were now tasked with additional thousands of Form 1's. That wouldn't have happened if there were specific examiners assigned to process only the Pistol Brace Form 1's.. It affected all NFA form types.

So........your theory is invalid from the get go.

Has NFA Division implemented processing changes to reduce the number of pending applications?​

Yes. For example, NFA Division is reallocating resources to prioritize processing applications that have received a “proceed” from FBI-NICS in response to the required background check.
So why did you stop quoting at that first Q&A ?:scrutiny:
The next two Q&A's make it clear that it isn't additional or idle staff, but PROCESSES.
Are NFA applications processed in a “first in, first out” basis?
No. While “first in, first out” is a guiding principle, NFA Division will focus its resources on processing those NFA applications that have received a “proceed” from FBI-NICS in response to the required background check. NFA applications were previously processed on a “first in, first out” basis, which resulted in delayed processing for NFA applications with a proceeded background check. For example, previously, a NFA application with a proceeded background check would not be processed until a NFA application with a delayed background check was resolved. Now, the NFA application with a proceeded background check gets priority for processing. NFA will continue to submit background checks to FBI-NICS in the order applications are received. NFA Division will then process NFA applications as it receives background check responses from FBI-NICS.
What does NFA Division mean when it says there are application “swim lanes”?
The NFA examiners are assigned specific application types. For example, certain examiners will be assigned to process individual applicants while others are assigned to process trust applicants. Further, applications that are put into problem status will be processed at the end of the week. Examples for when an application is placed into problem status include failure to submit fingerprint cards, failure to submit photographs, failure to submit a responsible person questionnaire, or to research whether the applicant may make, possess, or receive the firearm under State law.

These two Q&A's pretty much explain why a 41 hour approval is possible. Not because of "pistol braces".

Resources are PEOPLE!!!
For sure, but that doesn't mean idle examiners were suddenly assigned in mid March 2024 to processing Form 4's.
For the last year it's been THE SAME NUMBER OF EXAMINERS, the same number of people. The difference is how they are used and how ATF also changed their processes.

Good grief.

Short processing times would change the machine gun market (prices would go up even more). The long bureaucratic delays are one of the main factors keeping a lid on MG sales.
I think supply & demand controls it just fine, it’s not like they’re making any more for us civilians.
I think supply & demand controls it just fine, it’s not like they’re making any more for us civilians.
They just added 4000ish machine guns to the registry. Something to do with guns police had around 86. Forgotten weapons has a video on it.
Never happening.
Maybe not for Mg's, but I think it is in the realm of possiblities for suppressors. Either way, my bet is the decreased approval times are $ driven and not the result of a sudden increase in efficiency within ATF.🤪
but I think it is in the realm of possiblities for suppressors.
We had our very best chance at that in Congress recently and fell short. There is not enough legislative support for suppressors to be removed from NFA. Unlike the brace reinterpretations, there's no interpretive room with a suppressor that will remove suppressors from NFA.
Maybe not for Mg's, but I think it is in the realm of possiblities for suppressors.
Ninety years says that realm of possibilities is as likely as me winning the Powerball jackpot.

Either way, my bet is the decreased approval times are $ driven and not the result of a sudden increase in efficiency within ATF.🤪
Tell us more about "$ driven".
Ninety years says that realm of possibilities is as likely as me winning the Powerball jackpot.

Tell us more about "$ driven".
Well you seem to be the expert, you tell me :
How many successful approvals per year on average since 2020?
How many people are on the approval back log at any given time?
How much did this change from 2020 till now?
How much more $ is collected if approvals are in increased by 30 -40% for the year?
I think the answers to those questions will support my opinion. I do not believe the ATF suddenly just decided to be more efficient just for the sake of it, but feel free to educate us otherwise.🙂
Well you seem to be the expert, you tell me :
How many successful approvals per year on average since 2020?
How many people are on the approval back log at any given time?
How much did this change from 2020 till now?
How much more $ is collected if approvals are in increased by 30 -40% for the year?
I think the answers to those questions will support my opinion. I do not believe the ATF suddenly just decided to be more efficient just for the sake of it, but feel free to educate us otherwise.🙂
In this thread we discover someone who thinks ATF keeps that $200 tax payment. :rofl:
I suppose next you'll be telling us how rich the IRS is.

I've never considered myself an expert, but good grief man.
In this thread we discover someone who thinks ATF keeps that $200 tax payment. :rofl:
I suppose next you'll be telling us how rich the IRS is.

I've never considered myself an expert, but good grief man.
I suppose that $200 per device just dissapears huh?
Where does it go, IRS, ATF, Treasury dept?
Doesn't really matter who's books it goes on, its more money in the same bag. If you don't believe that, then please explain what you think is done with that money.🙂
I suppose that $200 per device just dissapears huh?
I didn't write that.

Where does it go, IRS, ATF, Treasury dept?
Seriously? You don't have any clue how our government works? How the government funds itself?
I learned where taxes go and how that income is spent in elementary school.

Doesn't really matter who's books it goes on, its more money in the same bag. If you don't believe that, then please explain what you think is done with that money.🙂
I weep for you.
You should learn to use Google. It will save you much embarrassment.
I didn't write that.

Seriously? You don't have any clue how our government works? How the government funds itself?
I learned where taxes go and how that income is spent in elementary school.

I weep for you.
You should learn to use Google. It will save you much embarrassment.
The government does not "fund itself". It takes money from people and businesses in one form or another.
Thanks, but don't weep for me, I'm very secure in my understanding of our government. I have no illusions about it. Feel free to weep for those who do.🙂
The government does not "fund itself". It takes money from people and businesses in one form or another.
Thanks, but don't weep for me, I'm very secure in my understanding of our government. I have no illusions about it. Feel free to weep for those who do.🙂
You asked for answers to 5 questions and 1 explanation....................................
You received "0" feedback and some speak-down..............................
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm..........interesting responses coming from "someone such in the know".......................

I also learned in elementary school that taxing someone is not a "self-funding" occurence.....................
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