Benelli 1 Coyotes 0

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Dec 26, 2002
Southern Oregon
Every darn night for the last week my old mastiff/ridgeback comes charging out of his dog house at 3 AM (0 dark 100)and makes a snarling beeline across the deck outside my bedroom for the chicken house about 250 feet away accompanied by startled chicken noises from there. I jump up and find some slip ons and pant's and grab the totally tricked out but otherwise sucky Bennelli Nova that stays next to my bed (no big tears if I lose it!).
The trick mag cut off in the pump handle makes it easy to slip in some lesser round than a slug from the side saddle ( I have four #4 buck in the side saddle and 6 slugs in the tube) and turn on the Insight Lazer/120 Lumen light I have sighted to the LPA Tritium sights.
I go out the front door to my house, which has thirteen steps down to the driveway, to the porch which gives me a commanding position 20 feet up and about 30 yards from the barn/chicken house , the fenced in goose pond and the corral fence.Any shots directed to the chicken house are gonna go down and not toward the neighbors a few hundred yards in that direction [Wink]
I have shot several coyotes after my goats in birthing season when I staked out the pasture with a NOD for a few nights in years past, I used to use a cannon like 1100 12ga game gun with a NOD on it, but keep that locked up these days-it being a purpose driven platform! This coyote (s) are damned fowl snatchers and they got my young wild turkeys one at a time in the last few weeks.
I switched on the light/lazer and swept the barn area, my dog knows what is coming next and huals his gunshy butt up to the deck and into his doghouse. I see two reflections of yellow eyes and stare harder to see dull gray/brown coat on a tall coy dog and one turns and beats feet .
Nothing like a 12ga 18" blast at 3AM in a small valley to liven things up! As the Benelli comes down out of recoil and long stroking (it's NOT an 870 snick-snick )I saw the thing flopping and snapping from the #4 buck shot at about 25 yards. The other one was long gone. I came up within 20 feet covering the animal but I really didn't want to torch off another round to let my neighbors know where the shot came from because I'm sure they are now awake! The thing only took about 30 secounds to stop flopping. A post mortem revealed a 40 pound dog (big coyote!) with 11 holes in the chest neck and head (the lazer and sights were on the neck) that I could see. It is safe to say he was centered in about a 24" pattern or so, all the pellets hit the ground that didn't hit the coyote except for one that went thru a stainless feed dish I had next to the hose bib near the fence.
I'm ready for Afrika- oohhhhrahhhh ! [Big Grin]
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