Beretta Wallpaper

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As for Ms Hurley she doesn't do anything for me...

Between this statement, your obsession with your wardrobe, and your carbon fiber fetish... I have to ask:

You like girls, don't you? :confused:
Obsession with wardrobe?

As for girls, run a search of 'Korean Sniper Chick' or 'blonde minigun' ;)
Obsession is perhaps a strong word, I just keep thinking of that picture of you all pimped out in "Royal Robins" this and "tactical" that, assault breaching your bedroom ;)

The comment about liking girls was, of course, tongue in cheek. Where'd the carbon fiber thing start?
The comment about liking girls was, of course, tongue in cheek. Where'd the carbon fiber thing start?

Back when I was on the teams ;) :scrutiny: :eek:

As for Beretta wallpaper, how about a 'Beretta pool' where all the THR members send Oleg their Berettas and he lays them out and shoots a photo of them all? :D
Kind of an interesting story to go along with this post.

I was watching a program on the Entertainment channel, called 'All Access Pass Behind the Red Carpet' or something to that effect, and it said that Elizabeth Hurley's stardom actually started from her just showing up with Hugh Grant on the red carpet. She was completely unknown before that point.

Soon after being seen with him she was offered a job with a major makeup company as the covergirl. Max Factor I think????
Something like that.

I know, has nothing to do with guns but thought some of you would find that interesting.

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