best excuse for today's poor shooting

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Jun 29, 2014
I will start.

It was deceivingly cold. The wind was as if we were out on the water somewhere miles from land.

I didn't wear my lucky drawers.
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Lack of Lucky Drawers, or holding your mouth wrong, will do it every time!

But so will severe cold, or too much coffee trying to keep from freezing to death.

'Keep getting phone calls from work.'

'Still working on the right load for this rifle.'

'Need to clean the barrel.'

'I just cleaned the barrel.'

'Too much shade on the target'

'The guy next to me made me nervous.'
"My gas mask is scratched" is one I've heard a couple times in the military. We had to shoot a portion of the qualification with a gas mask on.
The trigger wasn't breaking like a glass rod.

I couldn't get a good cheek weld.

The scope didn't cost as much as the rifle.

My underwear was too tight.
Copper build up.

Not enough lube.

No sight black on front sight.

Cloud moved over sun / moved off sun.

Lint or grease in the aperture.

Dropped ammo and dinged bullet tips.

Mirage off hot barrel.

Mirage off hot earth.

Ammo too hot from sitting in the sun.

Fogged glasses / lenses.
Tired from this mornings workout

Tired because I never got this mornings workout

Wrong powder load

Wrong powder

Wrong bullets

There are gnats here

There's a gnat in my ear

There's a gnat in my nose

And my eye

Too damn windy

Too damn hot

Too damn cold
I was "dehydrated".

I must have grabbed the loads for my other rifle.

The wind was blowing the target.

The barrel is just too thin.

Well... It's a hunting rifle not a target rifle.
Someone was moving the target.
There was an anomaly in the earth's gravity field, or the solar wind was affecting it.
The gremlins were playing with my reloads.
The kids were playing with my scope adjustments.
I wasn't trying for the target, I was trying for that tree over there.
I'm asthmatic, and my inhaler truly does make me a bit shakier than I used to be.

on the other hand i typically blame wind speed index for misses. The wind was dead still but it sure felt like it was 80mph crosswind
PMS...guys can get that, can't they?
Everyone has an off day.
These rifles aren't known for their accuracy.
I wasn't really shooting for groups.
Chandler's "wobble"... is my favorite... as in, did you just feel that ?? The earth wobbled just as I fired that shot! (that missed!!).

It's the slight, imperceptable "wobble" of the earth on it's axis as it rotates. Such as a top will "wobble" as it spins on an irregular surface.
Known to happen just as the trigger is pulled causing the target to "move" in relation to the trajectory of the bullet while the bullet is in flight.
It's especially bad on match days when numerous bullets are fired in close proximity.
I just clean my gun yesterday, I wasn't checking for accuracy just making sure that it fired all 5 rounds!
I traced the lineage of this rifle and yep, it's dad was a shotgun!
The ballistic coefficient was too high for this gun!
I always check my sights using the edges of the target first!
Overfull bladder.

Left-handed shooter in right-handed world.

Color/shape/size of target offensive.

Distracted by brass thrown by neighboring shooter's weapon.

Other issues on mind.
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